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Run and You’ll Only Die Tired, The Evidence Part 2
Lieberman and Bramble, the bumbling duo that brought you the superfantastic shitstorm of ridiculous contentions mentioned in my previous blog of this series, asserted…
Hooliganism Continues To Spread… and now includes endurance athletes
While I continue to plod through the next installment of the running blogs (which is fun because I’m trying to counter arguments…
Run and You’ll Only Die Tired, The Evidence Part 1
Before I begin this installment, allow me to reiterate the point of this series- it’s to point out the futility and stupidity of…
Run And You’ll Only Die Tired, The Logic
When a person thinks about superheros, certain paradigms come to mind- Superman, the goody-two shoes superstrong alien who can fly and see…
Evil Will Always Triumph, Because Good Is Dumb: The Science
Few things in life have bothered me more than the propensity for Hollywood to allow the fucking mealy-mouthed weeny to win. Every.…
The Rule Of Five, Part 2 (More NSFW Than Usual)
It has recently come to my attention that people feel very strongly about 5×5 programs. Comically so, in fact. As such, I…
The Rule of Five, Part 1
If you haven’t had at least limited exposure to the much ballyhooed 5×5 programming methodology, you likely cannot read, which means you…
The Chaos and Pain Commandments
Given that I’m violently opposed to joining any social networking sites, I don’t get the same thrill some people do in googling…
You Screamed About It And You Got it: The Splendiferous David Goggins
As you all know, David Goggins recently went jogging in a couple of different places and has subsequently been in nearly every…
Get Your Fucking Head Right, Part Four: Goals Are For Soccer Players and Other Small Children
In a previous blog, I posted a quote from the seminal grindhouse film Planet Terror, in which a retardedly hot, pole-dancing, ass-kicking,…
Dude, So and So Got SO Fucking Jacked For That Movie: Sylvester Stallone
Few figures are as iconic and meaningful to American males between the ages of 20 and 40 than Sylvester Stallone. He, along…
Apparently, some of you are getting into trouble due to all of the awesome on this site
So here’s a link utility to download so that you can view pages on the Internet without images. I’m going to throw…