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Chaos And Bang Your Earballs #10
The one for which you’ve all been waiting, in which I discuss the recent exciting news flying around message boards. Also, you can download it here, so you people can quit yer bitchin’ about 4shared.
The pics we discussed:
Tits McGee
A guy eating a horse’s shit from
Feel free to ask questions/talk shit/regurgitate inane, suburban, judeo-christian morality at me in the comments.
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25 responses to “Chaos And Bang Your Earballs #10”
You're the shit Jamie. But you've never been my hero. It doesn't concern me what you do in your private life. Sure it was a surprise, but that was it.
And I'm sure you don't mind banter.
Cheers man.
Haha. Thanks man. I don't think I ever set out to be a hero of any sort, but that's cool of you to say.
What with this bullshit, I better fuck shit up at the meet on the 15th, haha.
You gonna fucking do it. Its what you do. You've built up some haters in one of the most redneck sports on the planet hahaha.. time to fuck them all up and make all butthurt angry…
I'm not listening to the podcast any time soon, but does your dad really read your blog?
Every now and again. He once made the horrifying mistake of sending one of his friends (a 70+ year old person) to it on a day I'd posted scat porn. That was not an enjoyable series of emails.
Can't you just rub one out to the abstract concept of an old mam/woman getting really shocked and offended at seeing scat porn on the training blog recommended by their friend and written by his son?
Really I'm just annoyed because my father's never really taken that much interest in anything I've done.
Jamie, regarding jungle-crotch – have you ever tried using Gold Bond powder? It was a life changing discovery for me
I rock it from time to time, but the situation's ually too advanced by that point for the GB to do anything but sting like a motherfucker.
Foam roller is for pussies. Get yourself a 4 or 6 inches PVC pipe and roll on it. Tennis ball is also a good option, like you said.
A lacrosse ball's even better than tennis ball.
How about balls…. nah too fucking easy. It had to be said.
I dont care what you put in your ass bec the blog posts that come out of it are awesome. You need to post more frequently.
I cant wait to have your stuff in my mouth though. Your supplements I mean. I cant wait to get my hands some of your supplements.
Hahahahaha. Everything about this comment is awesome.
So you're moderating comments now?
Well no. Paul moderates his. I don't.
Must be a glitch then, because I posted a comment yesterday, and now it's gone. I wasn't trying to bust your balls, really. I was just curious why, since you say you're not at all ashamed of your homosexual experiences, that you've never spoken about them before, given that you're generally not modest about your sexual experiences with women. Plenty of "homo" themed discussions on the podcast that would have been opportune to bring them up.
I haven't listened to the newest podcast yet, but I read all the comments on reddit (that I believe you're referring to), and I have to agree with The Verb up there. I base my training on someone who knows nearly infinitely more than I do, varying it to fit myself, but personal stuff is personal stuff. Who the fuck cares anymore? It was a surprise to read a couple things, but in the end I spent all of 10 seconds thinking about it before I realized that I didn't give a flying fuck and moved on.
That horseshit picture is goddamn disgusting though lol.
The big swinging blade, the "pendulum" torture device. There was some mention of it during the spanish inquisition, but mostly made popular by Edgar Allen Poe in "The Pit and the Pendulum". Apparently it's in one of the Saw movies as well.
It's no Brazen Bull, but certainly one of the more unpleasant life enders out there.
I gotta say, I find it hilariously ironic that you run a blog that promotes hyper-masculinity and regularly posts pictures of naked women on it, and you've done gay porn. Honestly, no disrespect, I just find it hilarious and I look forward to the future gay jokes that will inevitably be made in episodes to come. I also liked your attitude toward the whole thing, way to "take it" like a champ.
P.S. The horse picture is fucking nasty, I actually gagged when I looked at it.
Not many scrawny whining prancy nancies in gay porn, heh. I do like the point that was made of what does it at all change about training, mentality, diet, etc. But yeah, will certainly make for interesting discussions in the future.
Oh, and don't forget it will now be a fantastic crutch for the weak of mind and body when they can't measure up. "yeah.. I may be a shitty lifter.. But he's a FAG! uhyuk hyuk hyuk"
I used to think Jamie was a Jerk for getting me into heavy ass lifting and hurting all the time with creative lifts like bears and zerkers, but now he's a Jerk for making great money for getting laid. Takes me a week to clear a grand.
I don't mind, man. Frankly, I think it's a hell of a lot more manly to do what you want and tell everyone else to go fuck themselves than it is to live according to some arbitrary rules set by long dead prudes.
I too, am looking forward to the endless gay jokes. I kind of feel like jumping you guys on them in the comments as soon as I put up my next few posts, but I don't want to steal your thunder.
In case anyone's curious, the next three are a Baddest Motherfuckers entry, one on massage (easy pickings right there) and the beginning to the squat series to go with the dead and bench posts.
Jesus fucking christ. All this overly relativistic bullshit makes me wanna puke.
Listen, Jamie gives out awesome training and diet advice, in an entertaining manner sprinkled generously with pictures of insanely hot females.
But for FUCKS sake, in no way, shape or form, has it ever been, or will it ever be, ''manly'' to take up the ASS. Same goes, without saying, for sucking pecker.
Jamie, you're awesome. But in my country, we have a saying: Let's call a shovel for a shovel..
And since that's the case, then we can safely call Jamie Lewis for an obvious closet homo-sexual with psychosomatic narcissistic tendencies, reflected in his obsession with his appearance and muscularity, coupled with an overly compensating hypermasculinisation of his image.
It's not hating, i have a couple of gay friends and live in the most liberalistic social structures in the world, I just can't stand these fucking ''Who says a straight man can't take it up the ass?!'' commentaries. Theyre to fucking stupid to comprehend.
Sorry for my english grammar
Who is the chick from Chaos and Bang #3 (April 30)? I must know.
Some chick from Nuts magazine, issue 119, I think. No idea what her name is. Time spent at is time well spent, though. The feature appears to have been called "Brunettes get naked".
Random question: what do you say when people ask if you're a powerlifter or bodybuilder? Someone asked me if I'm a powerlifter today, but I don't consider myself one. I just like getting strong, looking good, and feeling good.