With the holiday season upon us and the impending avalanche of food it brings, it seemed appropriate to provide you with the workouts necessary to ensure that your overindulgence would go toward a positive end. Whether or not you celebrate a religious or secular holiday this season is entirely immaterial- between seasonal affective disorder and the tendency toward partying this time of the year, people tend to put on weight and get out of shape irrespective of of what they’re into

Rather than starting the New Year fatter, lazier, and less inspired than you did last year, why not make the last twelve days of the month the most intense you’ve ever spent?

These workouts were inspired by the greatest names you’ve never heard of- natty lifters who either won contests and fell by the wayside or simply never got their due- and produced physiques over which we’ve all been salivating for decades.

12 Days of Axemas sets out detailed warmups and provides rest periods and explanations of the exercises and the reasons for their use (in the case of exercises we usually ignore but shouldn’t), plus it provides links to videos where explanations wouldn’t get the job done. This training protocol can also all be done in a home gym with minimal equipment, so anyone can blast through these workouts regardless of whether they’re training at an outdoor gym in Nigeria, a home gym in Finland, a state-sponsored gym in China, a community gym in India, or a big box gym in the United States.

This 28-page ebook consists of the following parts and utilizes the most stunning array of high and low reps, supersets, giant sets, heavy singles, partials, and bigger ranges of motion than you’ve ever used in order to give you results no modern program can- that badass, old school natty bro look that was thicc af, strong as hell, leaner than it had any right to be, and sexy enough to get them on tv, stage, and film (something modern bodybuilders can NEVER say).

Day 1: Let’s Put a Hex on Your Deadlift (Back)

Day 2: 21s are Tons of Funs (Arms)

Day 3: Deuces Wild (Legs)

Day 4: Puffier Pecs than a Pompous Peacock (Chest)

Day 5: Atlas Carried the World on His Shoulders (Shoulders)

Day 6: Seasonal Medley (Full Body)

Day 7: Deadlier than Ever (Back)

Day 8: The Arms Make the Lifter (Arms)

Day 9: Even if Your Legs are Horribly Mangled, No Sad Faces on X-Mas (Legs)

Day 10: If You Want to Look Different, Train Different (Pecs)

Day 11: Bad Boys (Delts)

Day 12: Now Walk It Out (Full Body)

The workouts in 12 Days of Axemas are all 100% new, inspired by my own favorite workouts and the favorite workouts of badass but relatively unknown lifters like Pudgy and Les Stockton, George Eiferman, Art Harris, Leroy Colbert, Don Howorth, Bob Shealy, Jim Haislop, Eric Pederson, and more! Each workout features specific warmup exercises tailored to the heavy stuff to come that are designed to reincorporate the little movements the old school used to create their peerless physiques in addition to the big ones we still do, as well as reintroduce the old school form lifters used so we can recreate their results! Plus, I paired the old shit with the weight-clanging maniacal shit I’ve always been known for to create the most unique system of training on Earth.

THIS IS HOW YOU EARN ALL OF THE HOLIDAY MEALS YOU’LL BE STUFFING DOWN YOUR GULLET. You can eat with impunity if you’ve spent an hour killing yourself in the gym, after all.

It’s time to hack up your fat with a holiday hatchet and have yourself a hell of a half-month!

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