Over the years, as we’ve banged away religiously at the weights year in, year out, most of us haven’t managed to keep our bodies in exactly the shape we made ourselves believe.

It’s hard for a lot of us to hear, but most of us stopped training like we really cared about the result long ago. We replaced hard work on the field, road, and in the gym, with weird diets and absurdly complicated and ultimately useless training systems.

What we needed instead was an old school training montage. And since I’ve been living the training montage life for a couple of years, I know how to lead you guys through yours.

I’ve set this program up so that the volume and complexity increases gradually so you can acclimatise to the new stimulus without becoming so sore that you cannot do the workouts.

And it adjusts to your personal level of fitness, because when I started down this path I could not do a single pushup without a lot of pain and effort.

Plus, this workouts suits everyone from the tiny home gym lifter to the Planet Fitness lifter! 3 of the weekly workouts are simple home gym workouts, and the other 3 are calisthenics workouts that can be done at home with no equipment.

It gets no simpler than this, or more effective.

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