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The Government Doesn’t Like You. In All Probablility, It Hates You.
The populist bullshit about the government being for us and by us is nothing but leftist claptrap. In truth, the government is nothing but a conglomeration of rich people who refuse to work for a living and who get rich off kickbacks and graft. As such, their recommendations, like the USRDA, are about as valid as a Star Wars nerd’s claim that Jar Jar Binks added levity to the prequels. Carbs are cheap and plentiful, while protein is not. Our government has proven, ad infinitum, that they will skimp every fucking time on services and goods for the people, but line their fucking pockets while they do it. Meanwhile, protein makes you mentally and physically strong, and strong people are hard to control. Plebes raised on gruel, however, are easy to control- they’re weak and softheaded. This is why, in spite of the fact that Americans suffer from more chronic illnesses than any other people in the history of our species, people still respect the recommendations of the government when considering what to eat, what drugs to take, and what is “safe”.
I’m here to tell you that if you’re one of those people, you should jump back and punch yourself right in the fucking face. The government NEVER has your best interests at heart. they have only the special interests in mind, because they’re heartless, soulless, greedy motherfuckers who would love to see you dead, except that dead people don’t pay taxes.
To wit:
Modern man suffers an unprecedented amount of degenerative disease. Two of the biggest lobbyist groups are healthcare and agribusiness. Between the two of them, they have a vested interest in you accumulating massive amounts of degenerative diseases, which the healthcare industry can later profit from fixing. If the recommendations the government provided, upon which things like school lunches are based (and which many Americans blindly follow as nutritional lemmings), were in any way healthy, our kids wouldn’t be fat pieces of lazy shit, and our fucking teeth wouldn’t be falling out. Weston Price showed definitively, years ago, that the modern diet is at least in large part to blame for the massive number of cavities and other assorted dental problems from which modern Americans suffer. He provided ample evidence his book to support his supposition, and as a dentist, he likely knew what he was fucking talking about. It was his seminal work that gave rise, in large part, to the paleo dieting movement. Does the government support his recommendations? Hell no. In spite of the fact that he’s the only person who’s made a compelling argument for the dramatic increase in dental caries over the last 200 years, in spite of the American obsession with dental health that borders on psychosis. The government, in collusion with the ADA, blames everything from lead to a failure to floss, but not the carb-laden diet supported by agribusiness and the government. Heavens, no! It couldn’t be that! The teeth of paleolithic people stay in their fucking heads, and are strong enough to chew through plate steel. Likewise, neither the government nor their lackeys can account for the exponential rise in degenerative diseases over the past 100 years, and tend to blame the problem on increased longevity, in spite of the fact that paleolithic cultures with similar life expectations don’t suffer from cancer, bone degeneration, or any of the other horseshit plaguing our old people. Maybe that’s because no one in their society profits from their feebleness, as pharmaceutical and insurance companies do in our own. Instead, their society profits from people so fucking hardcore that we have to look to their third world shitholes for evidence of elderly people who are hard as the nails through which they can bite, like the 73-year-old Kenyan man who used his bare hands to tear out the tongue of a leopard that attacked him.
Same goes for obesity. The government blames Big Macs and transfats. Are they contributors? Sure, but not on the scale that “healthy” foods like spaghetti are. And why? Because the government subsidizes the living shit out of agribusiness to provide cheap, inferior calories for the proles to consume before they can trudge to their miserable jobs, soft-headed, and accept whatever fate is forced upon their flabby bodies and minds. It’s long been known that cults like the Hare Krishnas and Scientologists, use a diet high in carbohydrates and low in protein in conjunction with sleep deprivation to aid in brainwashing their members. An interesting parallel can be drawn between that and the US work ethic and diet, it seems.
- GO LEAN WITH PROTEIN? How can you BE lean without it? Want a catchy rhyme with which to replace that? How about “Eat like motherfucking Hannibal- Out of meat? Become a cannibal”.
- This bullshit is easily 60-70% carbs.
- They fail to acknowledge that corn and potatoes are starches, rather than vegetables, for one. The glycemic load for Corn Flakes is higher than it is for fucking CocoPops, for fuck’s sake, and corn on the cob has a higher load than Wonder bread.
- They pair beans with meats, which is fucking absurd. Beans don’t provide a protein about as complete as the combined personalities of those whores from the Hills, and shouldn’t ever be directly compared with meat. And don’t even get me fucking started on soy. Ah, well, fuck it- it ruins your metabolism, raises estrogen, lowers testosterone, and might just be generally toxic. (PUBMED) I’ve posted about it ad naseum, but it still has me shot right out of a fucking cannon. Guess what Scientologists make new “recruits” eat? Beans and rice.
- 5 oz of 95% lean beef yields 39g protein. That’s it. That’s all the government recommends.
Frankly, if you’re not compelled at this point, you have all of the rationality and critical analysis skills of Nick Nolte. Nevertheless, here’s a couple of other things the government does for you on a daily basis to make you more docile, weaker, and generally more pathetic every day:
- they poison your water, or refuse to filter out gonadotropic and psychotropic substances, and recommend you drink 8 glasses a day. A 2008 study found “Antibiotics, anti-depressants, and estrogen” in our drinking water. Additionally, “British research suggests that estrogen, the female sex hormone, is primarily responsible for deforming reproductive systems of fish, noting that blood plasma from male trout living below sewage treatment plants had the female egg protein vitellogenin. This finding would seem to be consistent with what U.S. researchers suspect has occurred downstream from treatment plants in Las Vegas and Minneapolis. Carp in these areas show the same effects as the British fish.”
- they openly poisoned alcohol during the prohibition, and killed 10,000+ people doing so.
- pesticides are carcinogenic, yet the government promotes their use wholeheartedly. The book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson details this thoroughly, giving “most of her attention to insecticides, herbicides and fungicides, since these are the most dangerous poisons. She shows the futility of relying on them or any new substitutes offered to counteract the swift evolution of immunity to chemical control shown by more and more insects and fungus diseases. She quotes an authority on cancer, Dr. W. C. Hueper of the National Cancer Institute, who has given “DDT the definite rating of a ‘chemical carcinogen’”–a cancer inducer. She notes that “storage of DDT [in the body] begins with the smallest conceivable intake of the chemical (which is present as residues on most foodstuffs) and continues until quite high levels are reached. The fatty storage depots act as biological magnifiers, so that an intake of as little as one-tenth of 1 part per million in the diet results in storage of about 10 to 15 parts per million, an increase of one hundredfold or more. * * *In animal experiments, 3 parts per million has been found to inhibit an essential enzyme in heart muscle; only 5 parts per million has brought about necrosis or disintegration of liver cells; only 2.5 parts per million of the closely related chemicals dieldrin and chlordane did the same.” Other modern insecticides are still more deadly. Nor did the discovery of their poisonous character “come by chance: insects were widely used [during World War II] to test chemicals as agents of death for man.” (NY Times)
Throw all of this in a blender, and what do you get? Yeah, I know, I’ve already picked out my cabin in the woods, and am thinking of changing my name to Ted Kaczynsky Lewis, but the shit is justified. The government actively attempts to subvert any attempt by its people to assert themselves, and does so by keeping you drugged, half-starved, and confused. Thus, the next time you hear or read a recommendation by the government on the consumption of controlled substances, vitamins, supplements, or food, take a long look at what they’ve suggested and the reasons why. Nine times out of ten, their recommendations will be outright lies, and their reasoning will be predicated entirely upon their ability to control the populace and line their pockets through kickbacks or taxation. They can do this because the American people have no redress- the government is completely insulated from civil suits by the doctrine of sovereign immunity, and electing another politician simply puts the money in another professional liar’s hands. Two of the only respectable members of the government we’ve ever had didn’t trust the government- Teddy Roosevelt and Jesse Ventura. Jesse’s moved to fucking Mexico because of the bullshit constantly coming out of Washington, and Teddy devoted his entire life to working against the establishment, when he wasn’t busy boxing pro fighters or stabbing big game to death with a salad fork. If they didn’t trust the government, maybe you shouldn’t either.
We don’t NEED them!
Fuck damnation, man! Fuck redemption! We’re the government’s unwanted children, SO BE IT!
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68 responses to “The Government Doesn’t Like You. In All Probablility, It Hates You.”
I have an analogy for you.
Federal Tort Claims Act : sovereign immunity :: the collection of girls that have pity fucked you : the universe of girls that don't like small penises.
Pulling a leopard's tongue out is bad ass. I would've swung the machete at him.
I was wondering if a post like this was coming. I just about pulled a muscle laughing at the line about TR stabbing big game with a salad fork.
In an earlier blog you mentioned that right now our water has never been cleaner, which could be true on bacterial level and not contradict the main claim against processed water in this post. Where do you get your water and do you treat it?
Amazing post and I agree with most of it. People have absolutely no concept of what it is considered legal to eat as food and even half 2/3 of the people in the fitness world are absolutely clueless regarding what is a natural healthy diet for a human. I'm convinced that the nutrition education in this nation and our dietary practices are part of a population control/reduction plan. Anyway Jamie I am with you on eating meat, watching the grain intake and lifting heavy iron.
Do you see that Brita filter stuff as a viable solution to the various chemical compounds so lovingly provided to us through water, or is looking at distilled water the way to go?
On the topic of dental health: keep in mind we also knowingly put fluoride in our water in order to prevent cavities. There's no fucking reason why we should have anything but iron jaws if we're basically constantly washing our teeth (Though admittedly I know little about fluoride or how it interacts with either the body or the teeth). The fact that cavities are so prevalent in an environment that should make them impossible is a testament to how poor our diets are.
Great post.
This post is fucking gold Jamie. Sadly, in general people hate to think by themselves. Given the choice, they are likely to opt for the easy,popular and painless path that somebody else pointed for them, like sheeps heading to the slaughterhouse. They are really a bunch of pussyes. Make yourself sure to watch the movie "food Inc." it's available in thsi link: The parts 2 and 3 are can be directly related with this post. Watch all the fucking movie, it's woth the time. Good luck fuckers it's timer tpo pass out for me
Anon, fluoride is fucking terrible. The mere fact that when they started putting it in our water it was fucking rat poison is enough to prove that. Apparently the community fluoride was introduced to first had developed rotting teeth.
I know people love to rag on carbohydrates such as grains. But do you fuckers realize that everything you see around you would not be possible if human beings didn't domesticate these wild grasses?
Also, there are two very large confounding factors that Jamie fails to mention about the modern diet and obesity. Namely calories and activity level. Without addressing those issues first and foremost you are just pissing in the wind as far as I;m concerned
As others said, fluoride is terrible and you cannot filter it out. Distillation is the only way to remove it from your water.
Her name is Roberta Paulson.
And I work for those greedy bastards too! I need out!
I have a semi-bad tooth that did not hurt at all ever since I started eating like a caveman. Now, for the world cup, I decided to eat, drink, smoke and indulge in anything i feel like for the next 4 weeks, and all of a sudden my tooth has started to ache like a motherfucker again.
Makes total sense to me, because the bacteria that cause cavities convert carbs into acid, and the cavaties are actually caused by the acid. So, if one eats no carbs, one gets no cavities.
"greedy motherfuckers who would love to see you dead, except that dead people don't pay taxes." Funny.
Though, in my opinion I don't think the problem is not enough protien?? Maybe I didn't catch the whole drift. Average Americans eat meat with every meal!! Eating more meat will NOT solve anything, our meat now a days is SO bad. There is no nutrition, it's just crap we shove down our throats. They irradiate the junk (and not just meat) To keep microorganisms from growing.(creating longer shelf life so the man can put the money in his fat pocket) This kills sometimes over 95% of nutrients, kills enzymes and live bacteria that we NEED. Less nutrients creates complacent, stupid Americans who will listen to anything. Eat anything. Excess protien CAN possibly cause health problems, possibly straining your kidneys, but your body cannot store extra protien anyway, so what is the point of eating more?
If you're really eating that much meat, Any chemical or antibiotic the animal eats gets stored in their fat. Say hello to cancer.
ANYWAY. Water. Distilled water doesn't have any vitimins or minerals in it. One book I'm reading says that distilled water is acidic, and should add an alkaline boost to the water. Also that water without minerals is possibly worse for you. I've heard That distilled water actually sucks minerals out of your body, but I'm not sure if that's true.
Sites for safe water??
Great post!
"One book I'm reading says that distilled water is acidic, and should add an alkaline boost to the water."
That's fucking absurd. Water is the most neutral substance in the Universe [citation needed], it has a pH value of 7. There's no way that it's "acidic".
The government hates me, blah blah blah. It seems that the more pressing issue is this: Is you father, in fact, a cross between Dick Cheney and Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter?
My Dad was drinking distilled water when he was diagnosed with gout (not sure why he was drinking it) but the doctor told him to immediately STOP because due to the lack of nutrients in the water – it will lead to a softening of your bones/teeth/etc. By not adding any minerals to your body, it will start 'robbing' the minerals from other areas – starting with the bones and teeth.
Miranda, the statement on protein consumption in regards to kidney function has already been addressed (would find the article if I remembered) and I believe the cited statement was that kidney function actually improved with high levels of protein.
The point of the nutritional information typically is to not eat this bullshit that our bodies are not adapted to eat, i.e. grains, soy, refined carbohydrates, fluoride, et cetera as none of it is any good for you.
As for your statement on meat in the modern day, it's a little silly. Disregarding that it's not hard to find organic meats, all our vegetables are covered in pesticides and other goodies anyways, so it's not like eating less protein would do anyone any good.
And Jesus Christ, reading your blog, you must be the definition of "mouthy broad". You're hot and you're not dead, and as far as I know you don't have syphilis, AIDS or cancer. Call me emotionally dead, but far as I see it that means life is good.
also the guy putting a [citation needed] in his own comment was hilariously awesome.
Is anyone else amused that Rant is now posting anonymously? I guess his depression stripped him even of his name… tragedy.
If he put some of this energy into ramping up that horribly depressing blog, he might attract an audience.
"I'm weak"
"I'm depressed"
"I'm an alcoholic"
But what would we have to amuse us? 🙂
very good post… but isnt this a workout blog… feel free to post something that will lead to me getting stronger
The fucker above me has been eating too much soy.
What's the most annoying sound in the world?
To anonymous poster who calls the assertion of slightly acidic water absurd:
Yes true, ideally water's pH is 7. But in reality, had you taken half a second to think about this or google it, you'd find that carbon dioxide readily dissolves into water, forming carbonic acid. This does not take long to occur and since CO2 is all over the place, it is not exactly a rare occurrence.
Acidic distilled water. lol. Sorry if I wasn't clear, I had a few too many drinks before I wrote the comment, and I laughed when I read it over.
I am not made to be a writer, my thoughts aren't always clear when writtin down. I realize this!
Attempting to touch on Reverse Osmosis… Next time I'll try be clear on what the hell I'm talking about. Can it be considered distilled? Not sure, but LIKE distillers removes mostly all minerals from the water and makes it acidic.
Not sure about that site, but whatever, you get the picture, google it.
Yes, our vegetables are covered in pesticides, ect, blahblahblah. I'm trying to make a point that more protien isn't the answer, (Less carbs though? Probably.) Americans eat so much godamn meat we're forgetting all the other important nutrients and vitimins.
And I'm also guessing average people who plan on upping their protein intake aren't going to buy expensive organic meat for three meals a day.
Did I make sense this time?
Thanks for calling me a mouthy broad, by the way.
As for the other comments I think you were almost trying to be nice.
Excess protein allegedly has a negative impact on kidney function in people suffering from renal failure, but recent studies in France have shown opposing results- high protein intake actually improves renal function. The studies typically cited online are old and have not held up under a critical investigation.
In re your contention about fat, I would argue that the liver would be the repository for much of the psticides and chemicals, but that is a matter for some debate. you'd inject the same chemicals eating vegetables, so it's really half a dozen of one and 6 of another.
In re the mineral water issue, I'd suggest you take the books on pH with a grain of salt, as they invariably contradict other books on the exact issue. As for distilled water, I've heard that as well, due to the polarity of the water or somesuch. That is, to my understanding, nonsense, and the criticism is actually that distilled water lacks minerals your body could otherwise use, like calcium. I'd contend taht those minerals occur in such trace amounts that the point is really moot, but again, it's a matter up to debate.
… and I think Dray's trying to neg you into giving him your number.
Dray, that was a bit too much stick and not enough carrot. Chicks dig carbs man. Neil Strauss would be weeping right now if he wasn't busy banging sluts.
ha, funny. Thanks for the info Chaos, I'm still learning.
@ one of too many Anonymous posters
It's your job to make yourself strong, it's not the job of a blog. It's like kids asking if whey powder is good for lifting. I would say your body is a better vehicle for lifting weights than protein and that protein can help your recovery. Lift heavy and then worry about it. At least, that's what Nate Green recommends.
If your first thought is for this blog to stick to one thing or another, you haven't read the whole thing. This post relates to lifting as much as the other diet related posts, and even if it didn't, why aren't you blogging about it?
oh, and btw, Teddy Roosevelt was a Progressive. Not exactly anti-establisment…
Coincidence? Or is someone checking out the other?
Funny. The Russians and others still bury us in OLY and PL yet they eat a diet of mostly bread and spuds. This is tired rehash C&P. BB is clearly a beauty contest for homosexuals.
If the second word in your article is going to be populist than you at least know what it means. Quick, run along and look up the definition and try to defend yourself. Dumbass. Fucking with you is like shooting fish in a barrel. Populist. Pfft.
If the second word in your article is going to be populist than you should at least know what it means. Quick, run along and look up the definition and try to defend yourself. Dumbass.
Nice double post Rant, and just as nonsensical and lame as the rest. Get tired of reposting the Dick Cheney thing?
That's a funny as hell, haha. It was between that and another rollins pic, and I chose that one pretty much at random.
"… and I think Dray's trying to neg you into giving him your number."
HEY. I resemble that statement.
The feed lot diet. Our fore fathers and five mothers got along better with dried beef and hard tack. We went to the moon eating 2 eggs, bacon , and black coffee. What have we done lately?
I would strongly recommend the book 'Good Calories Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes in re this post. It's very in-depth read but worth the time. It basically traces the history of diet from its paleo beginnings through agriculture to the present. For instance, it details studies on Egyptian mummies (they ate mainly grain in bread form) showing that their teeth fell out in their 20s-30s, their legs were crooked and they died of heart disease in their 40s. The only peoples who achieved longevity on a carb-based diet (without modern medicine) were people existing at near starvation levels. Anyway, a good read for anyone interested in this stuff.
I've always avoided that one in the bookstore, mainly due to the inane title. I'll have to check it out.
it details studies on Egyptian mummies (they ate mainly grain in bread form) showing that their teeth fell out in their 20s-30s, their legs were crooked and they died of heart disease in their 40s. The only peoples who achieved longevity on a carb-based diet (without modern medicine) were people existing at near starvation levels.
You do understand that there wouldn't even be an Egyptian empire if it WASN'T for that grain based diet. Seriously, I'm I the only one that sees the irony here?
No one is particularly disagreeing, Manveet. Grain was the big crux in us achieving true civilization by providing large groups with sustenance. That being said, when we have the ability to feed ourselves without consuming grains as we do now, there's absolutely no reason to tow the government's line about having 39 grain servings a day. Use that fucking grain to feed livestock.
Actually, it wasn't necessary. There are two megalithic structures in Turkey that contradict that claim- Göbekli Tepe and Nevalı Çori, both of which predate agriculture considerably. 1-2000 years later, a prehistoric apartment complex was erected at Çatalhöyük, which also predated agriculture.öbekli_TepeÇatalhöyük
We're not talking about empires here, Manveet. We're talking about diet and disease. Great strides in food processing were made during the 1940s when we had to feed a huge overseas occupational army, i.e. the inception of the American Empire. Thus glories like Spam, Saltine Crackers &etc. As an aside, Paratrooper trainees at Fort Benning during WWII ate corn flakes and black coffee for breakfast. No milk. Black coffee poured over cornflakes. They were hard motherfuckers. But look at us now. We're fat, weak, on BP and Cholesterol meds by 40 (present company excluded, of course). P.S. Jamie, I do think you'd like 'Good Calories Bad Calories.'
Jamie, the wiki entry to Catalhoyuk also states the following:
In upper levels of the site, it becomes apparent that the people of Çatalhöyük were gaining skills in agriculture and the domestication of animals. Female figurines have been found within bins used for storage of cereals such as wheat and barley that are presumed to be a deity protecting the grain.
Since some people are throwing out book recommendations I highly recommend "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond. He does a great job spelling out my key point.
Also, for the massive Taubes fans out there I highly recommend getting a hold of the following review done by Bray:
Obes Rev. 2008 May;9(3):251-63.
Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes; New York: AA Knopf.
Bray GA.
Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, LA, USA.
Just because they figured out HOW to store and use grains doesn't mean it was a nutritionally optimal or wise plan. We don't owe past civilizations homage in the form of replicating their faulty diets. If anything, we should learn what we can from successful diets and learn why the bad diets are bad.
That evidence was only found in the upper layers, so the people who founded and maintained it throughout most of its existence were grain-free motherfuckers.
I thought oats were good for you.
Hear, Hear. And people wonder why I moved to Indonesia.
Check out the movie foodmatters, as it touches on the governments role in treating disease and the health of society by, holy shit…eating nutrient dense foods and not taking prescription drugs ? what the fuck are you talking about?
The midwestern prole diet is breakfast cereal, bread, potato chips, soda, and snack cakes.
Dental caries being nearly at epidemic levels. Lots of diabetes too, and schizophreniz, alcoholism, bad skin, and generalized stupidity.
Great post.
Getting a little tin-foily in here.
So basically I shouldn't eat from a shop cos the gov has fucked it all up.
I'm working on a play, tentatively titled "The Curious Case of Benjamin Douchins."
Dick Cheney: Damn, my daughter is looking pretty hot these days. I'm going to do her.
Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter: OMG, my dad is doing me!
… 9 months later …
CNP's dad: Wahhhh wahhhhhhh!
… about 25 years later …
CNP's dad: I want a son. Someone that I can be really proud of. I want him to be strong! And short! And blog all day!
… 9 months later …
CNP: Wahhhh! The government! Wahhhh wahhhh! I want to be a paleo man, but I'm a modern man! Wahhh! I'm going to blog about it! Wahhh!
CNP's dad: This kid has a future… A FUTURE ON THE INTERNET!!!
The above comment was some funny shit. LOL!
This real was one of the more ridiculous artlces C&P has put out.
^ agree although there is some truth here. The method you've presented it in makes me want to bin it all.
HAHAHAHAHA Jamie, I usually can't stand these trolls, but this guy has you with the Dick Cheney thing!
Look at that, Rant. It only took 5 anonymous reposts to get a laugh. Congratulations!
Are you unsatisfied with the fact that John Broz invited you to his gym to get the shit kicked out of you and are trying to add to that list? Haha. What a fucking ballbag you are.
Rant, you are an idiot. Jamie does this blog for free and he knows what he's talking about. Don't be a dick for no reason. later
Rant, you do realize he can tell by the traffic feed that you're congratulating yourself above? Rant posts, "anonymous" Rant posts, Rant … pretty lame.
The degenerative diseases and obesity parts made me think of The Biggest Loser TV show. They said one goal of the show was to show how people terribly out of shape, who take 10 drugs a day, with all sorts of health problems, etc, could leave that all behind simply by putting down the Twinkies and getting off their ass.
And it worked. Some of those people might have literally fell over dead within a few years otherwise. How much more healthy people might be if, instead of throwing pills and fluoride down people's throats, doctors said to take three sets of push/presses and call me in the morning?
Btw, the Obama administration puts U.S. citizens on hit lists and will shoot them in the head without a trial or Due Process. True story. Feel free to look it up the next time you think the government cares about silly things like the law or your rights or The Constitution.
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