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Lifter Snapshot: George Chuvalo

At 6′ and 210lbs, boxer George Chuvalo was not by any stretch of the imagination “big”, but with a neck an inch bigger than Muhummad Ali’s and a chest measurement four inches larger than the champ’s and a waistline two inches smaller, Chuvalo was considered a bruiser for his day. Though he wasn’t able to beat Ali in either of their two fights, the slugger went the distance with Ali both times, which led the GOAT to state that Chuvalo was the toughest man he’d ever fought… perhaps in part because the first time they fought, Chuvalo only had 17-days notice. And for good reason- George made up the difference between a shitty diet and very impoverished upbringing with a shitload of working out, adding unheard-of upper body power to his sledgehammer-like fists and an unshakeable iron jaw.

If you grew up pre-internet, it is likely you tried some of the tricks George used when he was coming up- he’d do headstands to build his neck, except he’d do set after set of neck side bends while leaning against a wall for five minutes at a time almost every day of the week. Then he’d chew a full pack of gum at a time to build up his jaw muscles (both of which were credited with the fact that no one could KO him). Chuvalo’s losses typically came from big name champs like Ali, Foreman, and Frazier, lesser known champs like Floyd Patterson and Jimmy Ellis, and other perennial bridesmaids like Buster Mathis and similarly-built slugger Oscar Bonavena.
When in training for a fight, Chuvalo would:
- get up at 5am for a 45 minute run, after which he would
- go back to bed until 11am, when he’d eat his breakfast
- at about 2pm he would go to the gym, where he would punch the heavy bag for stamina, the speed bag for co-ordination, exercise on a bicycle and skip rope. He would also shadow-box and have a medicine ball thrown at his stomach

Tragically, I could not get Chuvalo’s exact workout or discover where he lifted, though there are still vids of him lifting online as of 2003, and he was reputed to have had a 450+ bench in the 1970s and a bench in the mid 300s in his 70s. A total gymhog from every account, the man still trained like a bodybuilder who boxes even today, as he’s well known for being insanely strong without being any kind of a showoff where he currently trains. The gym where Chuvalo trained was perhaps the oldest in Canada, having had its start as the Toronto Athletic Club in the 1880s and then transformed into a boxing-centric gym in the early 1900s by an owner who was an aspiring professional, Chuvalo trained at Sully’s Boxing gym alongside the Rock’s dad, Rocky Johnson, and other wrestlers from Stampede Wrestling.

If you’re unfamiliar with these guys, Canadian wrestlers of the 60s and 70s were strong in ways you have never seen in your gym. Rocky Johnson (the Rock’s father) put up more than his son on the bench, reputedly pushing as much as 555 for a single. Ric Flair also wrestled for that organization and likely breezed through that gym with his then-580 bench press (Flair began his career as a 280lb powerhouse-type wrestler), as did a bunch of other wrestlers out of the Hart Dungeon in Calgary, which produced some of the toughest and strongest wrestlers in the history of the sport, including Chris Benoit (450lb max), Superstar Billy Graham (585lb max), and the British Bulldog Davey Boy Jones (550lb max). It’s safe to say that not only did none of them follow a program, but that their training methods would leave Reddits in a state of catatonic apoplexy just from reading the volume.

And though the dude dropped out of school to box in the 12th grade, he’s still insanely well-read, which is rad- seeing a massive hole in his knowledge gap, he filled it by reading voraciously in his spare time, which may or may not have contributed to a 350+ bench press in his 70s. Was he the best fighter to ever live? Nah, but he gave the greats some real problems, and it’s not always the names you know that are the names you SHOULD know, especially when they stand as basically a one-man refutation of the idea that a big bench can’t lend itself to at least some success inside of the ring.
Wanna learn something about lifting? Well, you might want to find a different gym. It isn’t about the equipment, program, or diet, people- it is about the fucking work you put in, the sweat you drip, the attitude of the lifters around you, and the rabid focus you demonstrate when you’re under the bar.
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5 responses to “Lifter Snapshot: George Chuvalo”
I love the focus on obscure names. “He gave the greats some real problems.” I believe people often think the alternative to greatness is mediocrity. Not going to be the next Jeff Bezos, etc etc? Who the fuck cares. You can still be your own kind of badass, and continually work on that. You don’t have to be the next anything to strive towards something, feeling good about it. It’s also a great goal to be able to give someone a great deal of trouble, even if you’re not the victor.
Hell yeah, man! And I’ve got a bunch of “almost rans” who I want to cover, because like Eric Pederson and George Chuvalo, those dudes were often the most interesting ones. That said, I still plan to cover big names most of us never really hear, like Scott Norton. I’m trying to nail him down for an interview, because I knew him as the giant who lifted alongside the LOD, Rick Rude, Barry Darsow, and Mr Perfect in a Minneapolis gym. Turns out he’s the only person who’s undefeated against the legendary arm wrestling giant killer John Brzenk, who’ve I’ve mentioned in the past. There are so many relatively untold stories in the lifting world, I see no reason to rehash ones everyone knows- we’ve learned all there is to learn from them, I think.
And like you said, making a big name for yourself in lifting likely isn’t the goal of anyone reading my shit anyway. We just like to be good at shit.
A bit of food for thought here. Discussing how athletes dont build big squats.
Great to see a mention of Stampede Wrestling. “Pain and Passion: The History of Stampede Wrestling” is a must read to learn more about what made that fed so awesome. So much great talent came out of there or wrestled in there on and off besides the names you mentioned: Dynamite Kid (often tag teamed with Davey Boy Smith), Jake the Snake Roberts, Abdullah the Butcher, Bad News Brown / Allen, Jim Neidhart… Those guys would pile into a van that kept running on little more than positive thinking and did shows in the dead of winter in the prairie north for next to nothing. There was also the late great Ed Whalen as announcer, managers like JR Foley (Hitler mustache and all), and matches like the coal miners glove match (some of those had more blood than an abattoir).
Damn, man! I actually don’t know a whole lot about that fed- it was new to me as I was reading about it. It occurred to me that I could find out how people trained by finding out where they trained and then working backwards, and I knew that the Hart Dungeon produced some of wrestling’s biggest dudes, so I knew there had to be a gym where they all comingled. If you have enough info to do a guest article on that stuff, or want to contribute what you can to one and have me try to fill in the blanks, you’re more than welcome!