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Apex Predator Diet If You’re Lean As Shit
If you’re following the Apex Predator Diet, it’s highly likely that you didn’t start out ridiculously lean. As such, it’ll have take you some time to get to this point- this diet’s not a quick-fix or crash diet, but rather a way to lean out while getting bigger and stronger all at the same time. By the time you hit 8% bodyfat, your metabolism should be wearing a pvc outfit and holding a cat o’ nine tails tipped with metal rings, because it’s dominant as hell and has made your bodyfat into its snivelling sissy bitch. You should now be at or under 8% bodyfat, so your abs are standing out in stark relief, your body looks like a Rand McNalley map due to your incredible vascularity, and you should be feeling like you can eat lightning and shit thunder at this point. You are, officially, awesome, provided you’re not bereft of muscle mass.
Assuming you had to work to get here, you’ll know exactly how your body responds to both diet and exercise, which affords you a tremendous amount of leeway with your diet. Before you head for the all-you-can-eat pizza buffet, however, bear this in mind- you’ll never be so awesome that you can out-train a shitty diet. As such, sticking to the Apex Predator Diet is a good idea, though you can have the occasional dalliance. As always, I encourage you to explore your inner Nikola Tesla and get as mad scientist as you can with both diet and training, but just remember that until you stay lean for a considerable period of time, your body is going to attempt to return to whatever your previous fat setpoint is. Thus, if you spent the last 10 years eating butter sandwiches and appeared to be one box of Milk Duds away from purchasing a rascal to get you hither and thither, take the following with a grain of salt. Additionally, if you like Milk Duds, you have no working taste buds, so dieting shouldn’t be all that difficult for you anyway.
Candied gastronomic atrocities aside, the Apex Predator Diet will become for most of you a delicate balancing act, wherein you’re going to try to maximize your caloric intake while remaining super lean. Though it’s not as simple as most would like, nothing fucking is, so have a coke and smile and shut the fuck up about it. You’ll find that you’ll naturally cycle your calories, as your ghrelin and leptin production will be optimized at this point, and your body is going to loudly let you know what it needs when it needs it. Your stomach will growl its fucking ass off all day if you try a PSMF, and you will be miserable in the gym, so you’ll likely drop those days. They’ll be replaced by the regular Apex Predator days from earlier phases of the diet, wherein you drink shakes until your final evening meal. When your metabolism resembles nothing more than Slayer’s War Zone in speed, ferocity and overall sentment, it’s tough to live on protein shakes and nothing more. As such, your weekly diet will start to look much more like this:
Monday – Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
- 5-6 protein shakes evenly spaced throughout the day consisting of 40-60 grams of protein and less than 10 grams of carbs.
- 1 medium sized meal midday (I shoot for 600-800 calories in the form of wings, generally, although I’ll substitute other meats as well.
- 1 large evening meal of 2000-4000 calories in the form of (preferably bone-in) meat. Let your hunger levels dictate the size.
Rampage Day- Go here for details.
Alternate Saturday
At times, you’re going to find both your enthusiasm and your energy waning for continued ketogenesis. On those weeks, push hard to make it to Fridaywith the knowledge taht you’re going to carry your carbup over onto Saturday. As to when you’ll want to do this, it’s entirely up to you- I would use a combination of the mirror and your general level of enthusiasm for the gym as a guage. If you find yourself incredibly burned out, a second carbup might be the boost you need. Make Saturday more of a medium carb, low to moderate fat, high protein day than a Rampage. It’s important to remember that these carbohydrate refeeds are not supercompensations. Supercompensations should only be used sparingly, as frequent use reduces their efficacy.(Zatsiorsky 13) Additionally, I would not make a habit of utilizing the moderate carb Saturdays on a frequent basis, as there’s only a small amount of glycogen resynthesis that occurs in the second 24 hours of carb loading, and there’s the potential to regain some of the fat you lost during the week. As such, you should keep carbohydrate levels at or below 2 grams per pound of bodyweight on Saturdays.(McDonald 132-3)
It’s Time To Take A Vacation
Another massive and awesome benefit of breaking your ass to get this lean is the fact that short dietary vacations don’t do much harm, and in some cases will break you out of a plateau. According to Torbjorn Akerfeldt, our “genes have not evolved much during the last 100,000 years; thus, they are still developed for our hunter/gatherer and, more recently, pastoral ancestors, who, whenever they succeeded in killing an animal, lived on meat for a week or two. At other times, when they had bad luck hunting and a crop failed, they lived on a low-calorie diet. This selective pressure gave man adipose tissue with almost unlimited storage capacity and a very adaptive metabolism to cope with periods of different diets.”(Phillips) Basically, once you’e lean, if you diet hard and undereat a bit, you’ll get a consistent carryover of the rebound you get from your Rampage Day into multiple days. I will generally not take this past 5 days or so, but one study showed that a three week period of overeating resulted in mass gain that was nearly evenly split between fat and muscle, and an increase in nitrogen retention that persisted even after the diet returned to normal.(Forbes, Oddoye) Thus, protein retention after the overfeeding was increased, and the body was more anabolic.
Personally, I don’t plan these. They just sort of happen, and are generally the result of a long-weekend vacation or something similar. You could try planning them if you wanted, and if you chose to do so, I would suggest they be limited to 4 or 5 days and occur on non-consecutive months. Additionally, I’d suggest you undereat a bit in the week prior to the overfeed to accelerate fatloss. Provided you jump right back into the Apex Predator diet, keep your training up, don’t abuse the vacation and aren’t completely ridiculous about it, you can get away with quite a few dietary shenanigans.
Up next, the Apex Predator Diet for Whiny Bitches and the innumerable rugby players who email me about this diet.
Forbes GB, Brown MR, Welle SL, and Underwood LE. Hormonal response to overfeeding. Am J Clin Nutr 1989 49: 4 608-611.
McDonald, Lyle. Ketogenic Diet.
Oddoye EA, Margen S. Nitrogen Balance Studies in Humans: Long-Term Effect of High Nitrogen Intake on Nitrogen Accretion. J. Nutr. 1979 109: 3 363-377.
Phillips, Bill. “Torbjorn Akerfeldt interviewed by Bill Phillips – Part I”
Zatsiorsky, Vladimir. Science and Practice of Strength Training.
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57 responses to “Apex Predator Diet If You’re Lean As Shit”
I haven't used this diet exactly as it's shown here, I've had to change it to work for me, as I imagine is the point of this entire blog. However, it's lead to a drastic change in the way I've trained and eaten, and it's paid off in a major way.
I'm probably bigger and stronger while being leaner than I've ever been, and I was one of those kids who would 'bulk' or get fat and then 'cut' and get skinny-fat. While my lifts have not increased in pounds on the bar other than my military press (well, and my dumbell bench- but who gives a shit), they've maintained while my body weight has dropped 25 pounds, and bodyfat almost 5%. As it stands now, I'm at a 365 squat for a triple, and a 405 single deadlift. Nothing to shout from the rooftops, but seeing as that deadlift used to be 2x bodyweight, and now it's close to 3x… well, this shit works.
Fucking NICE!
Would replacing the protein shakes (in any phase of this diet)with meat be a mortal sin? I don't have the cash to buy that much Carnivore (it's pretty much the only low carb supp at my local GNC).
I'm breaking into dieting with a very basic CKD ala Lyle McDonald, but this seems like a pretty viable way to keep (or gain) muscle mass while getting (or staying) lean simultaneously.
Nah, but it will get incredibly expensive. And it will be more or less just a ketogenic diet, unless you were eating boneless/skinless chicken breasts all day… which would be disgusting.
It's nice being able to slip into a size 6 dress, but any thoughts about training to be big and strong?
Read the rest of the blog and/or buy Jamie's ebook…
I've read it. "Guys I am interested in stone lifting, more on that later!"… "BTW I am gonna tell you guys all about the two-hands anyhow…"
rippetoe might be for you
I want to hear all about the two hands anyhow. Did Jamie learn to bent press without snapping his spine yet?
As I mentioned before, I lost my copy of Stones and Strength in a firey car accident, and no, I have no idea how to bent press. I'll do a post on the 2 hands anyhow in the somewhat near future, though.
I know your story about the car was cool, but you liked the book enough to write more than 1000 words about it, you must be able to buy a second copy.
Bent press is easy. forget all the RKC stuff and just set up like George Jowett's diagram in Strongman Stunts Made Easy (On Sandow Plus under Molding Mighty Men).
Then bend over to the side but lock your triceps hard as fuck to the back of your lat until ready to lockout. Bending over lets the elbow extend without any real pressing power.
Most guys can't put up any weight because they see pics like this and think Saxon actually pressed the whole thing up:–CcxjPkAJMQ/T1_tTlmeUfI/AAAAAAAAEkQ/U8nBRIhczTU/s1600/saxon%2B001.jpg
Jowett also has some crazy one hand overhead lockouts to help.
Blobb- You're killing me and I hate rebuying books, but if it will get you to quit your bitching I will do so.
How about 5 lbs of potatoes 2 lbs of beef and a quart and a half milk supplemented with some protein powder?
I'd go with whole milk and potato bread, and maybe some arugala. It's a vegetable.
Yo, Jameson would you do your meet-prep differently if you were to attend a same-day weigh-in meet? Weigh-in in the morning and competition in the early evening.
Not too much differently, actually. Any loss of strength through dehydration will be resolved by your second lift, so you'll still be better off having cut hard. I'd just ensure that my refeed happened after my rehydration, weigh in as early as humanly possible, and ensure I wasn't overly full when I started lifting. You'll just have to pace yourself better on the refeed.
Hey Jamie, maybe I missed it, but when is the nutrition ebook scheduled to be released?
I don't have a hard date on that yet. I'm actually working on a treatment for a publisher, actually, for an actual book published by a real publisher.
Thanks for the response, Jamie. If/when it does get published, will you still release it as an ebook?
Keep us posted! (lame pun somewhat intended)
The nutrition book will be an ebook and self-published. The other book will just be a paperbook, insofar as I understand it. That could change, though.
I always thought one had to keep protein intake under control for ketogenic diets to work properly, no? Otherwise, the excess protein gets converted to glucose for energy removing the benefit of the keto diet? Jamie, maybe I'm just dumb or I'm missing something. I only ask because my calories / activity level put my intake extremely high relative to my bodyweight, maintaining is a task I still struggle with some days. I wouldn't mind experimenting, obviously I'll have to, but eating more steaks and eggs sounds more appealing than more cream.
Glucogenesis is going to occur anyway, which is why I recommend a higher protein level than the typical ketogenic diet.
great post. this is a little OT, but have you ever found a way to tap into your power reserves on the day of your rampage? i haven't started this diet or "rampaged" before, but on days when i'm planning on eating a ton of food i'll make sure i have an extremely intense day of heavy push/pull/squatting. this is really exhausting, and i've not yet broken through this current power barrier. ok so here's my question, have you been able to find a way to control your power output as the saiyans do? clearly we cannot transform into super saiyan form, but there has got to be a way to control power and sharply spike power levels for short bursts of time. i usually find heavy metal is enough to get my head ready for a lift, but after a while i'm just not able to get my body there. what are your thoughts?
I've actually considered getting into meditation for that reason, but haven't done so yet- I'm spread thin enough as it is, haha. It's definitely worth attempting, though. If a skinny Japanese man can lift 400 lbs with his testicles through meditation, a lifter should be able to move some serious weight in competition with the same methods.
In all seriousness, you might like to try replacing the metal with sanskrit buddhist chanting or similar. It has worked for me when training has required genuine focus as well as pain tolerance.
I sometimes use classical music. Depends on what I'm doing.
Blobb- That's actually completely the opposite of what science supports. I'll post on that in an upcoming blog. I've been all over the place with research of late. The quick version is being calm is counter-productive for explosive or power lifts.
Cool, I look forward to reading that one, the pschological side of things interests me far beyond "Duwd you gotta wand it!". Then afterwards I will probably like to argue with you and then call you gay.
I've got to ask for clarification on this sentence:
"By the time you hit 8% bodyfat, your metabolism should be wearing a pvc outfit and holding a cat o' nine tails tipped with metal rings, because it's dominant as hell and has made your bodyfat into its snivelling sissy bitch."
An aesthetic masterpiece no doubt, but are you saying that your metabolism actually gets higher when your body fat gets into the single digits?
Yeah- your metabolism seems to get much more efficient, and you get a lot more leeway in cheats and dietary fuckups. McDonald actually mentions somewhere that it's important to cheat more often as you get leaner for this reason.
Holy shit, just found your blog and I have been reading up alot the last few days. I started the predator diet myself just yesterday and really liking it so far. I have 1 question though.
In an earlier post you wrote that I don't think much of whey as a protein powder and that I recommend Muscle milk. 2 scoops of Muscle milk however contains 18 grams of carbs which goes against your recommendation of :
"5-6 protein shakes evenly spaced throughout the day consisting of 40-60 grams of protein and less than 10 grams of carbs."
I'm I missing something here?
Yeah- they serve two entirely different purposes. Muscle Milk's clearly not a good protein source if you're running a keto diet.
Seriously, What would you recommend I use instead or should I just get some muscle milk….
Coming up next, Predator Diet for illiterate fucks.
… or for people who didn't read the entire series. Read the first couple of posts.
Ummm how about you re-read the predator diet posts and get one of the protein blends that he fucking recommended? Wow.
Jamie…..I'm a life long fat fuck who managed to get into decent shape only to squander it all away after surgery. Even in "decent" shape I have never had any notable strength until I found your blog two months ago and IMMEDIATELY changed the way I ate and trained. My shitty lifts are now shitty + 50-lbs across the board and I've lost 12 pounds! Thanks Jamie for setting me straight and being the reality check this fat fuck needed!
Good shit man. Glad to hear it.
Too much protein damages your kidneys. Not good, especially combined with liver damage from the oral steroids you need for daily lifting. You're all so fucking stupid it's funny.
Care to cite any credible evidence to defend your highly-original assertion that "too much protein damages your kidneys"? I like to learn…
Yeah, your mom. I had my protein shaft so far down her throat it was poking the fuck out her kidneys. Dumb ass.
Man, I wish I could be as cool as you. Internet tough guys are my favorite kind of troll…
I agree with Rant.
When your kidneys are permanently scarred from the rhabdo you got doing CrossFit, they can't process large amounts of protein safely, leading to kidney failure.
For us healthy people who aren't Rant and never did Crossfit, it's different.
Nothing like a bit of oft-repeated, widely discredited 60 year old science to spice up a conversation. Care to regale us on the benefits of phrenology while you're at it?
Dominic's mom was practising phrenology on the head of my dick.
And here's the evidence –,0,0,0,/3-18/15.jpg
y u no funny
y u weak as shit
Why are you not funny?
He's got sort of a Troll 2 thing going on… really more of a goblin than a troll and is probably a vegan.
Rant hates baloney sandwiches. Damn, for some unexplainable reason I really want to watch that now.
Hey yo all muthfuckas!! What's up?! Sorry I no written for a while, I been training REAL muthafuckin HARD!!! Just like me and Jamie tell you to!! You gotta train fuckin HARD, like you gotta PUKE!!! They don't call me the 'Asian Chaos and Pain' for nothing!!! Me and Jamie give you ALL the information you ever need to get BIG!!! And fucking STRONG!!!! And for FREE fuckers!!! You gotta get your PROTEIN!!! And lift fucking BIG weights like me and Jamie!!! It don't come easy, but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
shut the fuck up
dracoy, are you Yocard?
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