My long-awaited ebook on meet prep and cutting is finally complete!  The perfect companion to the other ebooks, this expounds upon things I’ve written previiously and walks you step by step through the three months leading up to a meet, then takes you through water cutting, recomposition, choosing weights at a meet, and getting through a bad meet without losing your mind.  For anyone who plans on prepping for a meet and cutting weight, this book will get you through the worst of it with not problem.  I can’t be there to help you through it, so consider this book the consigliere to my Godfather.  Snag it at the CnP website for half of what you’d pay for similar (*cough cough* inferior) stuff!

Yeah, that’s right- you can cut weight getting hammered, too.  Oh, I bring the fucking ruckus, son.  Feel free to head over to the forums to debate my insanity.
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