You’re Focused On All The Wrong Sort Of Details

Lately, everywhere I look, I’ve noticed that people tend to focus on all the wrong sorts of details, in nearly everything they do.  They obsess about minutiae, but ignore the entirety of whatever it is that they’re doing.  For instance, most people will now go and purchase “the best” materials and tools prior to learning their use, in the belief that the tools themselves, by their quality, will confer success on the endeavor, no matter how ineptly executed.  Kids think that they’re owed degrees by virtue of the fact that they’ve paid for them.  Guys go to Home Depot and purchase levels with lasers on them and ornate, expensive power tools, then bitch when the tools fail to produce a spectacular result- which is due entirely to the fact that the guy was too busy learning about the tools to find out how to build his homosexual bird house, or whatever nonsense he decided to produce.  Though it’s a prevalent issue in our society, brought on by what amounts to the collapse of our civilization, the demise of the human spirit, and the preface to genocide (hopefully).

If Rwandans had maps or books, they’d hate Armenia too.

The focus on random bullshit is different for men and women when it comes to exercise.  Women focus on clothing- few women will embark upon a program of physical fitness without dropping a couple of hundred bucks on shoes and workout clothes, no matter how fat, out of shape, or generally unsuited to spandex they might happen to be.  While few things are more comical than watching a couple of fat broads yammering away at each other while they waddle down the sidewalk or through the mall in their fancy Nike gear, the skinny idiots who walk into a supplement store yelling about how they need NO Explode are even funnier.  These idiots actually believe that their workouts are worthless without supplementation, and the only way they’ll get any results is to spend $100 a month on sport supplements.  Just like the fat broads, no amount of expenditure will compensate for their lack of effort in their stated goal, their lack of education about exercise and nutrition, or just their general utility as a human being.  They’re focusing on all the wrong sorts of details.

I love these ads.

Just like these people will obsess over supplementation, too many people are overawed by the Joe Weider conception of diet at 85% of muscular gains.  That’s fucking idiocy.  Clearly, I spend a lot of time discussing diet- ways to get leaner and bigger simultaneously.  I’ve read a lot about it.  I’m well educated about it.  I fucking kill myself in the gym, and I require a dietary regimen extreme enough to support my workouts.  That stated, most people don’t- they workout infrequently, at low intensity and volume, and no amount of dieting will resolve the negative situation into which they’ve put themselves with their lack of intestinal fortitude.  Thus, a diet obsession is helping nothing, and is sapping their reserves of discipline and effort that would be far better used in the gym.  You can’t out-diet shit training.  Additionally, too many people focus on dietary minutiae while ignoring important points, like getting excessive amount of protein.  Getting kelp into your diet is fucking ancillary, at best.  Eat more meat, lift more weight, and quit obsessing over details until you have a reason to do so.

 That’s allegedly a deadlift.  It appears he’s focused on every wrong detail.

Form, Setups, and Routines
There are more inane threads on lifting message boards decrying poor form and pontificating endlessly (entirely theoretically) about lifting routines than I care to count.  Anyone who’s been on bodyspace, t-nation, or any other major site knows this- it’s fucking absurd.  They’ll scream about how someone’s out of position here, cheating there, or not hitting depth there, in spite of the fact that they cannot reasonably approximate the weights being lifted with any kind of form.  This, in turn, gets other people into the game, and they’ll all but diagram lifts online, blather on about leverages and the danger of certain positions, and generally fear-monger half the readers and insult the other half.  The result- there are people in gyms right now lifting with nothing but pvc pipe.  Know what you can learn by lifting pvc pipe?  NOT A MOTHERFUCKING THING.  The very assertion that one could is the worst form of intellectual dishonesty and outright fucking stupidity I’ve seen.  These are the same people, who having learned the lifts going very slowly and so light that it cannot be called exercise, that spend a minute and a half setting up for a lift, and then lift ultra-light fucking weights.  They’re focusing on the wrong shit- learn the exercise, get insanely strong, and fine tune your form at the end.  Oly guys bitch that I’m stronger than they are at their lifts, and it’s because I fucking go for it when I lift, and they obsess about making every lift perfect.  They’re not all fucking gems- gut it out, get brutally strong, and get your form right as you go.  Over-reliance on form is as bad as anything else- perfect form’s not getting the weight up… brute fucking strength is.

The weight’s off-center!  His upper body’s out of position!  Mariusz has something to say about that, but not on the internet, because he understands those know-nothing bitches on the boards are too busy whining and typing to lift.

The same goes for routines.  Is it useful to have some guidelines?  Yeah.  Are there a lot of fucking great routines to follow?  Hell yeah- Smolov, Sheiko, the Bulgarian System, Wendler’s 5/3/1… the list goes on and on.  That’s not to say, however, that they’re magical.  You’ll get out of them what you put into them, and if you half-ass it through a badass workout, you’ll continue to suck.  Conversely, if you bust your ass at a shitty program (maybe even HIT?), you’ll get gains.  Intensity, dedication, and enthusiasm are the fucking keys there.  Stop focusing on the wrong shit.

Intensity+awesome genetics+coke-fueled workouts+shit program can still equal good physique

What You Should Be Focused On
Three things:
  1. More weight.  Lift heavier.  Then repeat.
  2. More protein.  How much is too much?  There’s no such fucking thing, unless you shit out a kidney.
  3. More of everything- fucking, reading, fighting, lifting, living.  Stop studying how to live and just fucking do something already.
Worthy of focus, and drive.  With the hips.
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108 responses to “You’re Focused On All The Wrong Sort Of Details”

  1. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Awesome. Hopefully the message will actually stick with some of these retards.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    That shit was brilliant.

  3. Christine Avatar

    I love this post.

    I actually posted something very slightly similar today. Obviously not exactly on the same lines, but along the same thought of "Stop fucking wasting time over-thinking things and just do them"

  4. NaturalBornKiller Avatar

    I have been applying a similar concept to my training lately, " don't think, just do." I think its fucking brilliant…

  5. Daniel Avatar

    "You'll get out of them what you put into them, and if you half-ass it through a badass workout, you'll continue to suck."

    So true.

  6. Peter "Fucking" Baker Avatar

    I shit you not, today I saw some fuck mongrels deadlifting 65 pounds. And not struggling. And acting pumped. Minutes before, I gave some chick actually trying to deadlift 95 lbs and trying not to suck at it some pointers to up her deadlifts to 115lbs.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    God, so true. I have a scrawny friend who keeps asking me about the difference between protein supplements, but has yet to make an appearance at the gym.

  8. Michael Q Avatar
    Michael Q

    Great blog. Fuck form. Grew a chopper reid moustache and hit a 5 kg deadlift PR. Coincidence? Course not.

  9. Cameron Avatar

    You're not falling into the "I'll be a strength enthusiast and motivational speaker at the same fucking time!" trap, are you?
    Just kidding.
    But that trend is growing more and more every day, and let me tell you: I fucking hate it.
    Zach Even-Esh has become really bad at it.
    It's annoying.
    The way I see it is:
    If you need motivation to be awesome, you don't deserve to be awesome at all.

  10. Cameron Avatar

    Not saying you're post is bad (I liked it), I was just busting your balls.

  11. Mike Avatar

    I agree about overthinking things, but I think if something is really wrong with your form you can fix it, it can lead to #1: adding more weight.

    That being said, when I try to overthink my form I'm sometimes weaker. If I just think about driving the bar up with every fiber of my being I'm usually stronger, hahaha

  12. rejuvenile21 Avatar

    Great post, however as i was dead-lifting yesterday, i noticed an idiot doing squats horrendously wrong.

    At one point i was going to walk over and stop him. I thought well maybe he's doing partials at best but hes knees were about to snap as well as his back, and he had worn out his toes with super-over pronated feet lol. This is at 135.

    He musta caught me looking at him, and said to himself "im the shit, thats right notice bitch." He puts on another couple plates and i shake my head. He stares into the mirror bends his knees and leans forward on his toes a couple inches and then renches his back to lift the wieght up.

    I stop and stare shake my head look around. And theres another douch in the rack beside him doing the same shit. They must have inspired each other because he put and 2x25lbs and leaned forward again…

    He did focus on the weight aspect and hell he even did low reps… but other than that bad form, no intensity (probally because he back was about ready to snap) and a waste of time in the rack.

    I really thought hard about going over to say something. Then i realized until this F'er hurts himself and either quits for legs presses or comes back fighting maybe he'll read a book or ask for advice.

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    Am I the only one who finds it funny that every single person who responds to this isn't "one of those guys" who spends more time focussing on irrelevant details than lifting, despite douchebags being the overwhelming majority.

    They also for the most part copy MrChaosandPain's (Jaime, I think it is?) style of talking, lots of anti-social anger and frequent profanities. There's nothing wrong with it as long as it's genuine but when it's mimicked just to feel cool; it's fucking lame.

    Just pointing out the obvious. Ignore it if you want.

    Regarding the blog entry, it's spot on. Most people seem to give more credit to what they read and hear than what they experience. If they hear about overtraining then because they're so extreme they must be doing it so every 3-4 weeks must be a deload. When they hear form police, they assume the information they're given is right and listen to it.
    If more people would use their brain from time to time (I'm not sure many people even know how) then maybe there would be less talk about the necessity of steroids and supplements, less rest and more results.

  14. Anonymous Avatar

    jamie what do you think about ken leistner style HIT training using almost all compound movements and crazy poundages. for those of you who aren't familiar this guy squatted around 405 for 23 reps at under 170 lbs and 40+ years old. also his adopted son kevin tolbert apparently squatted 600×30 and then stiff leg deadlifted 450 for 15 reps right after without resting.

  15. Mark Avatar

    Love the post but the Armenian genocide photo was very poorly chosen in my opinion. Even though I don't have a personal link to that tragic event I feel for their suffering and respect their deaths.

  16. Anonymous Avatar

    Ken Leistner is legit, but he trained his athletes with higher reps for general strength rather than specializing for heavy 1RMs as Jamie does.
    So their training styles are very different. Hard work and heavy weights are the only things the two programs share.

    Kevin Tolbert's 450×15 stiffleg deadlifts were done after a light squat session, not the 600-lb session, just for clarification.

    As for the 407×23 squats, Leistner was a genetic anomaly–after gaining strength at 250lb he dropped down to around 170 or so in his early 40s and didn't lose any strength.

    Still extremely impressive feats regardless.

  17. Simon Adebisi Avatar

    Anonymous said…
    Am I the only one who finds it funny that every single person who responds to this isn't "one of those guys" who spends more time focussing on irrelevant details than lifting, despite douchebags being the overwhelming majority.

    Am I the only one who finds it funny that every single person who responds in the comments section in a negative manner always does so anonymously?


  18. Anonymous Avatar

    Pansies are beautiful fucking flowers and possess the highest intensity of any flower.

    You want to get your garden jacked? Put some fucking pansies in that shit.

  19. Anonymous Avatar

    "Simon", you are operating under a fake name and a false link. F-you, your opinion does not matter. Pansy.

  20. Simon Adebisi Avatar

    How do you know I'm not a large Nigerian sociopath?
    Regardless, all of my comments can be attributed to one person…ME.
    Whereas you Nancy men troll behind a mass monicker of fagdom.

    You wanna' get me tripe? Get me tripe!

  21. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    Christine- I noticed that after I posted this. Weird. Great minds and all that, I guess.

    Peter- Time to find a new gym.

    Michael Q- Pictures, or it didn't happen. Also, fuck the metric system.

    Cameron- I'm going to have my own person training certification coming soon. Training will consist of punching the client in the face and telling them to go home and eat the pain away.

    Mark- I'm not really a nice guy, but frankly, both sides were out of line on that one, so I feel pretty ok with it. The Turks and Armenians are perennial assholes to each other. I'll listen to Abaraxis Annihilation by Integrity to atone for my sin.

    Rejuvenile- He'll do neither. With any luck, he'll quit coming to the gym and upsetting youwith his antics.

  22. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    Am I the only one who had never seen those ads? Greatest marketing campaign in history, right there.

  23. BLACKFLAG666 Avatar


  24. John Campbell Avatar
    John Campbell

    If you stop writing right now and put this as your last blog it will drive your point home.

    Seriously consider this.

  25. Anonymous Avatar

    Oh, wonderful, a genocide photo. But you are "o.k." with it. that's good. Good for you.

  26. Simon Adebisi Avatar

    Ha…this guy is butthurt over a picture.

  27. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    … I can't believe everyone's fixated on those pics and ignoring the simulated bukkake in those ads. As if genocide ever hurt anybody.

  28. Shane Bio-Diesel Avatar
    Shane Bio-Diesel

    Fuck you. I know the people in the genocide pic. They were on my baseball team.

    Also, I dunno about bukkake man. It's imperative that the guys do it one at a time. When you have everyone at once then an innocent person might get hosed.

  29. rejuvenile21 Avatar

    "Pansies are beautiful fucking flowers and possess the highest intensity of any flower.

    You want to get your garden jacked? Put some fucking pansies in that shit."

    Roflmfao, nice.

    Also, notice CnPs favorite equipment in the background of the dude trying to DL. Bosu ball on top a Smith machine beside a leg press machine just caught that…

  30. Cameron Avatar

    Well shit, sign me up for that "cert."
    As long as it puts a bunch of letters behind my name then count me in.

  31. Tom Avatar

    Another great read Jamie. I found this blog via Ross Training when you did the MacCharles interview and have been reading it since.

    Anyway, I was at the gym on Friday and found myself training next to another guy doing shrugs on a hammer strength deadlift machine – – with a massive total of 60kg for something like twenty reps. I couldn't help thinking about this blog, and your own massively heavy shrug singles, and laughing inside my head.

    Later I overheard him talking to his friend, who had just turned up, about how he was in the zone, and that he'd been there for 45 minutes but that was okay since he was in the zone so the extra time was okay.

  32. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    Tom- Hahaha. I was totally in the Zone, bro! Let's hit Jamba Juice! I need the calories!

    Shane- There's bound to be a little backsplash. These things happen.

  33. reverser23 Avatar

    I think this is the best post you've ever written.

  34. JasonDB Avatar

    The bulk of what I post about in my long diatribes that only 5% of people read, this blog, and the comments come down to the following summary:

    Everyone who has achieved anything of note in any weight training related endeavor (which includes bodybuilding) regardless of their methods, have two factors common to their programs: hard work and heavy ass weight.

  35. Anonymous Avatar

    The quality of your posts is rising, and we have the proof for that in this little shiny piece of pure greatness: "few women will embark upon a program of physical fitness without dropping a couple of hundred bucks on shoes and workout clothes, no matter how fat, out of shape, or generally unsuited to spandex they might happen to be."

    Great post fucker.

  36. Christine Avatar

    Fuck it you've convinced me to go for it, and to fuck with it all! I'm going to become a fucking prostitute! And not one of those nice ones that work in a fucking brothel either, no, i'm not paying a pimp shit man, fuck that! I'm gonna hang out in parks and offer schoolkids blow jobs for $5 a pop, fuck yeah!!!

  37. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Knowing some form aint all that mothafucking bad man. You gotta know some shit before you lift or else you'll be doing behind the neck push presses and shit, or trying to balance steel girders on your mothafucking shoulders all wrong (incidently, that Marius picture is fake – look at it close, it's not even pressing down on his mothfucking body, fucking oiled up mothafucka). Everyone should at least have one Stuart McRobert book, he's one bad ass mothafucker who knows his shit. And he's got a "Mc" in his name, which is nearly "Mac", so he's fucking cool.

  38. FightingPolak Avatar

    The sheer badassedness of this post is amazing…

  39. Anonymous Avatar

    Glen MacCharles said…

    Awesome. Hopefully the message will actually stick with some of these retards.

    You would have to be the most pathetic sycophants ever to pound blather from a keyboard.
    You need to think for yourself instead of sounding like a poor mans version of Lewis.
    You are embarrassing in the extreme.

  40. Dray Avatar

    Last anon, considering that Glen has made numerous departures from C&P and the lifting style of any other motherfucker around at the time, and doesn't even follow the same (or similar) set/rep scheme of anyone else I've ever even heard of, I can honestly say that he's already accomplished that.

  41. Anonymous Avatar

    Dray, you are barely out of diapers, stop trying to sound like you are a fucking expert.

  42. Christine Avatar

    Lol'd pretty hard at my impersonator ^^^

  43. Anonymous Avatar

    Not to worry, that one was easy to spot. On the other hand, glen is such a dope, any inane thought might actually be his, so you can't tell for sure. By the way, your blog looks interesting.

  44. Manveet Avatar

    Solid post.

  45. JasonDB Avatar

    Christine… that was an impersonator? You just disapointed many a high school boy with $5 to spare…

  46. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    I'm guessing the fake Christine is the same one who did me right after. Searching gay porn websites so you can use them to try and humiliate someone online who you've never met must make you feel pretty cool.

    Anonymous, whenever I feel embarrassed I just go stare at my ever-growing collection of lifting trophies and medals. You'll never win one. Eat it.
    Those are a couple of years old now. I've won a bunch more since then but can't be bothered taking another picture. Hate all you need to. I'm a living testament to my own methods.

    I wasted years trying to drive home the same message this blog entry was about on the rosstraining forum. Got through to a few people but ultimately it just got too tiresome. That's a goof forum now anyway. I guess Jamie's just a better writer than I am. Good for him.

  47. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Anonymous, if I'm so embarrassing why do you want to be me so bad that you pretend to be me online? Is it just an excuse to showcase your collection of gay porn websites? Pretending to be Christine too. You got some issues, bud.

    Whenever I feel embarrassed I just go and stare at my ever-growing collection of lifting trophies and medals. Hate all you need to but I'm a living testament to my own methods.
    ^Those pictures are a few of years old now.^
    I've won a bunch more since then but can't be bothered taking another picture. You'll never win any trophies or medals. Eat it.

    I wasted years trying to drive home the exact same message that this latest blog entry was about at the rosstraining forum. I got through to a few people but ultimately it just all became too tiresome. That's a goof forum now anyway. I guess Jamie is just a better writer than I am. Good for him.

  48. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Anonymous, if I'm so embarrassing why do you want to be me so bad that you pretend to be me online? Is it just an excuse to showcase your collection of gay porn websites? Pretending to be Christine too. You got some issues, bud.

    Whenever I feel embarrassed I just go and stare at my ever-growing collection of lifting trophies and medals. Hate all you need to but I'm a living testament to my own methods.
    ^Those pictures are a few of years old now.^
    I've won a bunch more since then but can't be bothered taking another picture. You'll never win any trophies or medals. Eat it.

    I wasted years trying to drive home the exact same message that this latest blog entry was about at the rosstraining forum. I got through to a few people but ultimately it just all became too tiresome. That's a goof forum now anyway. I guess Jamie is just a better writer than I am. Good for him.

  49. Beau Avatar

    "Also, fuck the metric system"

    I've been reading this blog for about a year now, and this is the first time I've actually been offended.

    You just crossed the line mate.


  50. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Anonymous, if I'm so embarrassing why do you want to be me so bad that you pretend to be me online? Is it just an excuse to showcase your collection of gay porn websites? Pretending to be Christine too. You got some issues, bud.

    Whenever I feel embarrassed I just go and stare at my ever-growing collection of lifting trophies and medals. Hate all you need to but I'm a living testament to my own methods.
    ^Those pictures are a few of years old now.^
    I've won a bunch more since then but can't be bothered taking another picture. You'll never win any trophies or medals. Eat it.

    I wasted years trying to drive home the exact same message that this latest blog entry was about at the rosstraining forum. I got through to a few people but ultimately it just all became too tiresome. That's a goof forum now anyway. I guess Jamie is just a better writer than I am. Good for him.

  51. L (i'm not afraid to post my name) ewis Avatar
    L (i’m not afraid to post my name) ewis

    Anon- Get the cock out of your mouth, i don't speak gayonese! haha Considering that you still post anon, your pathetic antics bellow throughout this comment board.

  52. Anonymous Avatar

    Christine, i just went on your blog and saw the disclaimer behind the link to Chaos and Pain, hahaha 🙂

    In regards to Jamies post and the part about dieting, I have made the observation with my own body that it is more important than training. Whenever I dont eat cleanly I immerdiately get fatter, no matter how much I increase my training intensity.

    I stopped following any form of diet for 3 or 4 months in the summer because I just wanted to enjoy the pleasures of life(ice cream, beer, whatever) and tried to counteract it with more intense and more frequent training, and I gained something like 10 kgs in that time span and most of it was not muscle…I did get stronger and now that I´m back Keto Dieting the fat & weight is falling off pretty easily, but still the lesson i learned is that no amount of training can counteract shitty eating.

    As to the rant about form, I decided months ago that Im not gonna give a shit about what the trainers in my gym tell me about form. For example if I bench correctly I fuck up my shoulder every time, so I just dont go all the way down to the chest and use more weight.


  53. Michael Quinn Avatar
    Michael Quinn

    Hey Jamie, you want pics of the mo or the deadlift? Hahaha. Only got pics of the mo. Anyway I'm Thunderhorse over at Arthur's Hall.

  54. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Anonymous, if I'm so embarrassing why do you want to be me so bad that you pretend to be me online? Is it just an excuse to showcase your collection of gay porn websites? Pretending to be Christine too. You got some issues, bud.

    Whenever I feel embarrassed I just go and stare at my ever-growing collection of lifting trophies and medals. Hate all you need to but I'm a living testament to my own methods.
    ^Those pictures are a few of years old now.^
    I've won a bunch more since then but can't be bothered taking another picture. You'll never win any trophies or medals. Eat it.

    I wasted years trying to drive home the exact same message that this latest blog entry was about at the rosstraining forum. I got through to a few people but ultimately it just all became too tiresome. That's a goof forum now anyway. I guess Jamie is just a better writer than I am. Good for him.

  55. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Anonymous, if I'm so embarrassing why do you want to be me so bad that you pretend to be me online? Is it just an excuse to showcase your collection of gay porn websites? Pretending to be Christine too. You got some issues, bud.

    Whenever I feel embarrassed I just go and stare at my ever-growing collection of lifting trophies and medals. Hate all you need to but I'm a living testament to my own methods.
    ^Those pictures are a few of years old now.^
    I've won a bunch more since then but can't be bothered taking another picture. You'll never win any trophies or medals. Eat it.

  56. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    I wasted years trying to drive home the exact same message that this latest blog entry was about at the rosstraining forum. I got through to a few people but ultimately it just all became too tiresome. That's a goof forum now anyway. I guess Jamie is just a better writer than I am. Good for him.

  57. Christine Avatar

    @JasonDB – that's of no loss to me.

    @Alex – Haha, yeah I put the disclaimer there since I have a couple people who read my blog with slightly sensitive ears. Thankfully though, most of the people who have read it think it's great, females included. They just won't ever get brave enough to comment.

    @Glen – good shit! I'd feel proud too.

  58. Anonymous Avatar

    "but frankly, both sides were out of line on that one, so I feel pretty ok with it."

    Can you elaborate on that a bit?

    I haven't seen the "the Armenians had it coming" rationale for using pics of the Armenian genocide as a subject for humor before, so I'd like to hear your take on this.

  59. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    Holy shit, you're sensitive. One, I wasn't mocking the Armenian genocide- I don't care at all about it, and was simply using a pic of genocide to go with my comment. Two, before you fly to the defense of the Armenians, perhaps you should read a bit of history- they've done similar shit to Turks in the past, and the Azerbaijanis in the last 20 years. In other words, settle the fuck down- I wasn't mocking the dead Armenians, but I'm about to fucking start if you keep carrying on like a fucking lunatic. The Armenians, to their credit, were a bulwark against Islam for years, so I've got no problem with them, though I never knew they were so prone to weeping and wailing over a photograph.

  60. Anonymous Avatar

    Different guy here, but you went from "Home Depot" to wishes for "genocide" and supplied a picture of dead children.
    You think he's being "sensitive"? "Carrying on a like a lunatic"?
    Did you even read his question in full? He didn't say you were mocking Armenians, nor did he defend them, nor did he weep and wail.
    Don't be surprised if pictures of dead children raise an eyebrow or two.
    And go fuck yourself for not being smart enough to figure it out.

  61. Jippo Avatar

    Having been an infantryman for over a decade i have seen a lot of death in my time and to be honest i couldn't care less. I don't know any of the victims of the numerous genocides throughout history nor any of the taliban/other assorted ragheads me or my friends killed during tours. People need to man the fuck up, death and violence is a part of life, if you don't acknowledge that then by all means become a recluse and take up fucking knitting or something.

  62. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    I changed the fucking picture, pussies. We all learned a valuable lesson today- you people look far more closely at pictures than I do. I changed the picture those of you who are offended, for the record, but you win too, as now you can whine about Rwanda!

  63. Anonymous Avatar

    This blog is what this blog is. It's Jamie's blog. The over-the-top nature of it is part of his schtick. I don't think he's putting a lot of thought into subliminal political messages. He just likes a little shock value. Knowing this, either take it or leave it. I'm sure he'll mellow a little with age. People are so offense-prone these days.

  64. Wen Avatar

    "If you don’t have the guts to step outside of your comfort zones, you will never grow and change as a person. If being well liked is more important than being yourself, then you will never say anything of value and you will never have true friends. If you don’t have the balls to be hated, then you don’t deserve to be loved." ~Violent Acres

    For all the people hating on Jamie, stop, take a breath and thank him for making you think for a change. Your pathetic life just had a nice little breath of fresh air.

  65. rejuvenile21 Avatar

    Wow thats the first time i seen him change something. I mean his spelling is more horrific than the imagery. lol.

    Next time get an image of a soldier smashing a babies into a tree having the babys head explode and call it a great GPP workout! As well eating the baby provides a great source of protien and fat to keep on top of a keto diet!

  66. Daniel Avatar

    lol @ the comments. I'll bet you someone's gonna whine about the new one as well…

    My barbell row/shrug form is practically a living embodiment of this article; it's pretty ugly. But what to you know, my Deadlift is up 50lbs in 2 months for a triple BW pull.

    Works for me.

  67. Serj Tankian Avatar
    Serj Tankian

    Quit yer bitchin- it's not like there's not plenty of Armenians left. They're still making shit new metal.

  68. Anonymous Avatar

    Heck yeah, why have any value on human life, I'm working on my heavy shrugs, baby!!

  69. Daniel Avatar

    Here's something I picked up from T-nation, of all things, about one particular inmate training in a style that is pretty much the heart and soul of CnP:

    Fucking awesome.

  70. Shane Bio-Diesel Avatar
    Shane Bio-Diesel

    Hey why did you take down the pic. Those were my former baseball teammates. That was after a long game. We were all dead tired.

  71. Shane Bio-Diesel Avatar
    Shane Bio-Diesel

    Also, to all those who complained about the pic–you're all focused on the wrong sort of details. I bet you didn't even read the stinkin' thing.

  72. Mark Avatar

    Love the post but the Rwanda genocide photo was very poorly chosen in my opinion. Even though I don't have a personal link to that tragic event I feel for their suffering and respect their deaths.

  73. Anonymous Avatar

    I'm more offended by the Home Depot part. I make bird houses all the time. I don't think I'm gay.

  74. Anonymous Avatar

    I assume you have a fancy laser??

  75. Anonymous Avatar

    Ornate power tools?

  76. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    I think I've aptly demonstrated my contempt for 99% of the human race. I find it amusing not a one of you's whining about Rwandans. Racists!

  77. Dray Avatar

    I find the new photo to be a profound artistic statement on human nature.

  78. Daniel Avatar

    Hahahahaha! Dray, you are hilarious.

  79. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Wow, there are some real pussies around here. Do you fuckheads go online just looking for shit to get offended at?

    "Boo fucking hoo! Somebody whose blog I like posted something I didn't like. He's ruined my whole online experience for the day! WAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!"

    Sitting there hunched over your little monitors feeling safe and special in your own tiny, private little worlds. It's no wonder you dipshits can't get laid, you're fucking losers. Make a lame comeback now that alludes to your self-righteos and assumed intellectual superiority. Fuckin' goofs.

  80. Anonymous Avatar

    Predictable response. You are pretty much brain-dead.

  81. Anonymous Avatar

    ^ Typed as he hunched over his monitor feeling safe and special in his own tiny private little world.

  82. Anonymous Avatar

    Awesome, more genocide jokes.

    Godwinning your own fitness blog?


  83. Simon Adebisi Avatar

    I'd be willing to bet money that everyone who complained about the genocide picture is a Crossfitter.

  84. Anonymous Avatar

    I don't think that anyone has a clue about the Rwandan genocide.

    Brief run-down:
    Everyone just stopped what they were doing for 100 days to kill the slightly lighter skinned but never the less still blacks.

    Final tally approx 1 mill dead.
    100 days of strengthening the forearms shoulders, and traps.

    Its was high reps, so it probably wasn't optimum for hypertrophy or strength.

  85. Anonymous Avatar

    somewhere, I village is missing their idiot.

  86. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    Ah, but no one wrote metal-polka or bad old school metallic hardcore about Rwanda, so no one cares.

  87. Anonymous Avatar

    why do you assume know one cares?

  88. Dray Avatar



  89. Anonymous Avatar

    ChAos and PAIN real men can admit their mistakes only pussies continue to act like dicks once they've been proven wrong. Maybe you need to cut the roids so your balls grow back.

  90. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    How was he proven wrong?

  91. Chris van Jaarsveld Avatar
    Chris van Jaarsveld

    Know which band's music should accompany this post? Circle of dead children. Some people are just too fucking sensitive.

  92. Anonymous Avatar

    Call me old fashioned, but I didn’t think you joked about genocide, the holocaust, etc. You didn’t normally use a pile of dead children
    or a pile of skulls of the victims to make a point on a blog, either. It’s a human tragedy, and it doesn’t depend on the nationality of the victims.
    This has been interesting to watch and see the responses of Jamie, “simon”, Glenn, and others. I’ll leave it at that.
    Go to it, boys. (and I do mean “boys”)

  93. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    I don't really give a shit what he posts because I don't have to read it if I don't want to. You pussies remind me of a woman who finds a man that she likes and then, down the line, tries to change him. I'm disappointed in Jamie for changing the picture because it shows that he can be influenced you people. You would have never known it from the tone of the blog that he would ever give in to the complaints of a bunch of a bunch of virgins who aren't even old enough to buy their own booze and suck shit at lifting weights.
    Why do you guys suck so much at lifting weights anyway? Do your gyms only stock 45s? No fives, 10s, or two-and-a-halfs? Just never could figure out how to make incremental progress, eh? Need to be told by the Internet what exercises to do and for what sets and reps. Pitiful, almost.
    Internet kids are a selfish, greedy bunch, Jamie. They love you as long as your doling out free training information but the next thing you know, they think they own you and become overly critical of any little thing you say or do outside of the (free) service you've been providing for them. Fuckin' goofs.

  94. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    I don't really give a shit what he posts because I don't have to read it if I don't want to. You pussies remind me of a woman who finds a man that she likes and then, down the line, tries to change him. I'm disappointed in Jamie for changing the picture because it shows that he can be influenced you people. You would have never known it from the tone of the blog that he would ever give in to the complaints of a bunch of a bunch of virgins who aren't even old enough to buy their own booze and suck shit at lifting weights.

  95. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    I don't really give a shit what he posts because I don't have to read it if I don't want to. You pussies remind me of a woman who finds a man that she likes and then, down the line, tries to change him. I'm disappointed in Jamie for changing the picture because it shows that he can be influenced you people. You would have never known it from the tone of the blog that he would ever give in to the complaints of a bunch of a bunch of virgins who aren't even old enough to buy their own booze and suck shit at lifting weights.

  96. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Why do you guys suck so much at lifting weights anyway? Do your gyms only stock 45s? No fives, 10s, or two-and-a-halfs? Just never could figure out how to make incremental progress, eh? Need to be told by the Internet what exercises to do and for what sets and reps. Pitiful, almost.
    Internet kids are a selfish, greedy bunch, Jamie. They love you as long as your doling out free training information but the next thing you know, they think they own you and become overly critical of any little thing you say or do outside of the (free) service you've been providing for them. Fuckin' goofs.

  97. Sam Avatar

    This is probably one of the best articles on training out there. Meanwhile another asshole with a 90 lb squat is contemplating his assistance scheme for 5/3/1.

    Mac, any plans of starting a site?

  98. Anonymous Avatar

    I'm not sure who you are talking about with the "90 pound squat", but if it's me, go fuck yourself.

  99. Sam Avatar

    Hey there Rant…

  100. Glen MacCharles Avatar

    Sam, I made this account for two reasons, neither of which was with any intention of starting a website or blog. At this point in time I have no interest in it.

  101. Anonymous Avatar

    Damn dude, you motivate the fuck out of me!

  102. Jamie Lewis Avatar

    Anon- Blogging and old-fashioned don't belong in the same sentence. The internet's only existed for 15 years, and social mores have hardly changed in the intervening period. As for the rest, stop being so fucking sensitive about shit that happened long before you were born- I don't see you weeping and fucking wailing about the atrocities perpetrated by Sargon's armies. I'm glad you're enjoying the view from your high horse, fuckface.

  103. Anonymous Avatar

    Go off course much, Jamie? That's a pitiful response. As for "high horse", that is pretty much your role, from what I have seen.

  104. Anonymous Avatar

    Where'd the pictures of those dead babies go? Goddammit, no I'm not scrolling up the comments, but anyone who cried about that hasn't squared their shit away with nature and reality and is a big fucking weepy pussy

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