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3 Exercises You Should Already Be Doing- Demo Vid
For those of you clamoring for vids, here you go. These are pretty simple exercises, but sometimes I figure you’ve got to…
Ask the Asshole #8- Parkour, Cute Chicks, and Stress
If you guys haven’t noticed, I haven’t been around this week, as I’ve been on vacation. As such, any questions you’ve asked…
Want Some Angry Fucking Forearms? Here’s How You Get Them.
Given that I had numerous requests for Glen’s forearm routine, I was personally curious about it, and the fact that Glen’s universally…
It’s Time to Add Some Shit to Your Playlist
I know not all of you share my taste in music, and though I can’t forgive you for that grave sin, I’ll…
3 Exercises You Should Already Be Doing
In an effort to earn a break from the whiny, petulant responses to blog entries that don’t involve me spoon feeding you people exercise…
G-Mac’s Wipeout Video… the funny one. Seriously.
Apologies again for the bad link. “Quote: “So what, once I killed a gopher with a stick”. I had to fight a…
Hooligan Horrorshow- Glen “The Angriest Motherfucker Alive” MacCharles
Deep in the wilds of Canada there exists a man that’s the most pure physical embodiment of hatred since Albert Johnson capped…
Vegetarianism and Veganism Are As Logical As a Poopie-Flavored Lollipop
In the last installment of this series, I outlined the long and storied history of dietarily-indicated mental illness, which manifests as vegetarianism.…
Vegetarianism and Veganism- The Best Indicators of Severe Mental Illness Since the Tinfoil Hat
When I lived in Tucson, I was entertained on my daily walk to and from class everyday by a woman who seems…
Am I Being Obtuse?
Apparently. Thus, due to the following well-written request for clarification, I find myself compelled to explain myself… or to allow myself to…
Deadlift Frequency… Or A Total Lack Thereof.
I’ve stated before that I rarely deadlift more than once a month. I’d read in the past that a wide variety of…
Heavens! You Say I’ve Worked My Shoulders Too Many Times In a Week?!?! Part Two.
I’m fairly certain that I heard a bunch of you screaming “bullshit” in your heads while reading my last post, so allow…