For those of you who are unaware, a chef who is perhaps the nicest human being I’ve ever met has worked in the White House since George W. Bush, rocks 24” biceps at 45 years of age, and has a bicep workout guaranteed to give at least half of you rhabdo just from reading his volume. In addition to the 2,222 pushups he does every single morning, Chef Andre Rush trains biceps every 72 hours to ensure that his arms are stretching the tape at the two foot mark year round.

Before you embark upon this workout, know that even I would approach this thing with trepidation.  If you’re planning on doing it once, make sure you’re not going to help someone move a body for a couple of days, because you might find yourself incapable of lifting whomever has been “disappeared.”  If you’re planning on doing it with regularity, I’d start with two sets of each and work my way up to the prescribed number of sets, because this workout involves a hell of a lot of bicep work.

Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curl– 5 x 25

Seated Dumbbell Curl (both arms)- 5 x 25 (these are typically done with a shorter range of motion, quickly, for pump)

Wrist Roller– 5 sets

Standing Cambered Bar Curl (close grip)- 4 x 25

Standing Cambered Bar Curl (wide grip)- 4 x 25

Standing Tri-Set– 4 x 12 reps (do all three exercises with no rest and same weight)

  • Alternating Dumbbell Curl.
  • Crossover Curl (curl each weight up towards your opposite shoulder).
  • Hammer Curl

Preacher Curl– 4 x 15

Single Arm Cable Curl- Drop set starting at 72lbs and going to the last weight (you should go lighter, obviously)

No amount of flexing will make you look anything but tiny next to Chef Rush. I feel ridiculous for even trying 🤣 .

Tara’s 2020 Interview with Chef Rush

We filmed these last year during the Arnold Festival Weekend, but as I am not much for videos I never put it on the Youtubes. It is, however, now on the Tiktok Tara set up for me so I could start doing quick lifting history videos (the first of which should be up this weekend). As I hate being filmed, Tara jumped in to do them even with a double ear infection (which worked out well because Randy Couture and Chef Rush loved the shit out of Tara, and we all got separated when I went out bar hopping with Chris Cormier the last night).


@tara_murphy925 Ignore Tara’s nasally voice. she was rocking a double ear infection. #ChefRush #ArnoldExpo #plagueofstrength #eattheweakgear

♬ original sound – Plague_of_Strength

And if you’re curious as to what’s in the works, I am working on a turn-of-the-century fight training article to accompany the Fustigation Fury, Empire Builder, Early Gyms, and Col Monstery series, I am recording another Breakthrough Secrets podcast episode on 8/7, trying to film a meathead history professor Tiktok episode tonight (which we might expand into a Youtube thing, depending on how it goes), the finale to the Adah Menken/Lola Montez series, an article about martial arts westerns, and a couple of Killer Workouts.

As usual, if you guys have any suggestions for topics or content (that don’t involve a bunch of babbling about the completely inapplicable opinions of long-and-thankfully-dead philosophers) for articles, feel free to hit me with them. If Tara becomes keen on video editing I might do some Zoom interview with lifters, but that remains to be seen- I would rather eat a bullet than to ten seconds of video editing or watch myself on video doing anything at all. If one of you would like to become an unpaid volunteer until we can monetize that shit and pay you, feel free to hit me up on the Gram or Facebook and lemme know.

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