The Beach body Bundle contains everything you need to be ready to display the greatest physique anyone’s ever seen down by the pool or at the beach next summer. It contains:

  • Building Your Ideal Physique– a modern update of the York Barbell program that built almost every champion of the pre-steroid era, plus an appendix packed with the heights, weights, and measurements of over 100 pre-steroid bodybuilders and the physical ideals they represented, so you can tailor your physique to the standards of people who look and perform like superhumans (and whose achievements cannot be dismissed as the product of drugs).
  • Huge Natty Arms– a compendium of the methods that built the biggest and best arms of the pre-steroid era, along with a handy timeline for the invention, marketing, and use of anabolic steroids, so you can stop idly speculating and know exactly which people used steroids and when, & know the date when various prominent bodybuilders stated that “drugs took over” strength sports.
    • These workouts are the perfect companion to Building Your Ideal Physique, which is the basis upon which you will build your physique by tailoring the workouts to your goals. Since most of us have focused primarily on the Big 3 lifts for the last decade, it’s time to address those pipe cleaner arms.
  • Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy, But Overhead Pressing Is– If you’ve got a sickness for deltoid thickness, this book has what you need. Pimpin’ includes full training routines from four of America’s all-time greatest Olympic pressers (Bill March, Tommy Kono, Jim Bradford, and Ken Patera) alongside the training techniques and methods of multiple world’s strongest men, CrossFitters, and myself!
    • Again, these workouts are the perfect companion to Building Your Ideal Physique, because our focus on the Big 3 has left our delts as deflated as our biceps.
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