As you may have already heard, I took part in the most epic powerlifting competition since powerlifting’s heydays in the early 1980s.  At the 504 Clash For Cash, my flight took the squat record for the 198s, tied the record in 181s, and broke the total records for 181 and 220.  Dan Green took the total record at 220, Jesse Kellum broke Tony Fratto’s 39 year old record in the squat, and I tied Bob McKee’s 650 squat and broke his 1700 total with 1705.  Shit just got real.  I’ll be posting videos later tonight of my third attempts in the squat, bench, and deadlift, but my attempts were:

Squat: 605, 645 (high), 650
Bench: 365 (lifted my ass), 365, 385 
Deadlift: 605, 670, 700
Total: 1705

Apparently, many butts were hurt over my choice of tshirts, as I rocked a “Smile, Satan loves you” shirt for the squat and bench, but I was assured by a random nice guy that Jesus still loves me, which I’m sure you know comes as a relief.  Southerners have no sense of humor at all.

How could you not love this shirt?

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