It must be nice…

One of the major things I hear when I talk to people about the amount of time Jamie and I spend in the gym is “It must be nice! I work full time and *insert excuse here*. The reality is, Jamie and I both work full time plus. What do I mean by “full time plus”? I do freelance work, I run the website, I write and I work at a supplement shop as a fill in, in addition to a job that averages 65 hours a week. Jamie works full time as well, he coaches, and works on six or seven blogs at a time, plus he is the primary chef of the house.

So… yeah… about that not having time to go to the gym. I call bullshit.

Don’t get me wrong, there are days that we knock out a hard 30 minutes (with a timer running so we can’t cut it short) with almost no rests, and then we go home and collapse in exhaustion because neither of us wanted to work out. But we make the time to work out, because it is FAR more important to us than watching tv, or playing video games. It is all a matter of picking and choosing what we feel is a priority.

So, what’s your excuse again?

Jamie loves teasing me that I won the genetic lottery. Between autoimmune disorders where my body habitually attacks itself (talk about self-hatred, my fucking body is trying to self destruct!), and heart issues, which are most likely a byproduct of the autoimmune disorders, there are weeks were I want to go into stasis until my body knocks its shit off.

Take the past week for example: I have been dealing with a hellish flare for the past almost two months. Wanna know how much I want to put any strain on my joints which currently feel like someone has taken a sledge hammer to all of them? I would rather masturbate with a rusty cheese grater, and then finish with a belt sander with course grit sandpaper, than lift.

So, I work with what I can do on any given day.

Monday & Tuesday, I was pushing high rep weights at a slightly slower pace than usual but feeling pretty good all things considered. Wednesday, I was able to rock a 285# partial squat for 3, a 335# partial for 3/4 (I bailed cause I felt the bar tipping almost at lock out), and absolutely killed all the weights I was lifting. Thursday, I was practically using the girlie step aerobic weights as I did arms because everything was aching. By Sunday, I could barely walk because all my joint (especially my spine) hurt so badly. While Jamie lifted high rep chest, I parked myself in the hot tub and pool at our gym under orders from Jamie to not fucking move.

I honestly don’t know how I will lift today or any other day. If it is a total shit show, I will just do auxiliary stuff, “form work”, or I may go do cardio. But I am sure as shit going to go to the gym and try to do what we originally planned (which is back). I can’t do high rep/high weight? Well shit, drop weight and increase the time it takes to travel through the rep, pinpointing the specific muscle groups. Let me tell you, there are modifications you can do that make low weights excruciating. I’ve found a lot by experimenting when everything hurts, but I am still determined to lift.

But, but, but… I didn’t get enough sleep!

Can I see a show of hands of people who ACTUALLY get a full 8-9 hours of sleep? Cause it sure as SHIT isn’t Jamie and I. Between allergies, a psychotic one eyed cat, the other snoring, and both talking in our sleep, after going to bed at like midnight, we are generally running 7 hours of shitty sleep at BEST!

When we went on vacation for Thanksgiving, I don’t think either of us managed to NOT take 2-3 naps a day. I mean, we both were a TAD bit sunburned (and by a tad I mean we were both purple) which didn’t help, but between the two of us, we were lucky to be getting a combined 11 hours a night of sleep in the preceding 6 months.

Everyone is tired. According to studies, 45% of adults who get 7-8 hours of sleep a night feel tired 1-3 days a week. When you get 6 hours of sleep a night? 54% of adults report feeling tired 4 or more days a week. (Americans are tired most of the week) Hell, one in FOUR adults develop insomnia every year, and 6% of them develop chronic insomnia (Can’t sleep clowns will eat me).

At some point, you will need to make a decision if you are just going to push through and get it done, or if you are doing more harm than good. Jamie and my rule of thumb is, if a Bang doesn’t help then don’t go all out insane. I have had days where we went to the gym, I was LAID OUT from exhaustion (the day job can have some SUPER odd hours, on top of the autoimmune bullshit), and I literally WANDERED on the treadmill while Jamie lifted, barely awake after MASSIVE amounts of caffeine. I’ve had other days where I was barely awake, dosed myself up on Bang, woke the fuck up and broke personal records like they were nothing, and then passed out on the couch while Jamie was making dinner.

You never know unless you make the attempt.

Do or Do Not… There Is No Try.

I am not saying I have it worse than everyone, because I know I don’t. In all honesty, I consider myself lucky that I had almost 10 years where I was mostly in remission by managing my symptoms, which is FAR longer than most remissions. Does it sometimes get to me that I am not always able to do what I use to? Yes. It would get to anyone. Is “I can’t do it anymore” a permanent state of mind? FUCK NO!

What I am saying is check your ego about lifting. Maybe don’t post that shitty lift on IG whining about how you had a bad lifting day because your pet dust bunny got vacuumed up and you were tired. We ALL know when we are going to suck shit about 2 lifts in. Fuck… let’s be real; there are days we know as we are loading the bar and those 25# weights feel like 100#.

Re-direct, and re-group. Do those auxiliary exercises you have been putting off (I did this not too long ago on leg day, and damn near cried when I tried walking up the stairs the next day). Try that machine that you have been putting off because a real Bro-Tato Chip only uses free weights. Go pop into that spin class and get your over muscled ass handed to you because cardio isn’t important to you.

Let’s be honest… These guys are fucking badasses.

And for fuck’s sake, STOP FUCKING WHINING!

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