After spending three straight weeks writing around the clock, my brain is melting (and I’m 95% sure the book will be onsale tonight, as it’s just awaiting a cover and a third proofreading). In any event, I have had a splitting headache for over a week, can’t sleep for dreaming about training and this fucking book, and am generally going to suicide by chainsaw if I don’t focus on other shit for a few days. Like I said, though, the book announcement should be up tonight. In the meantime…

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Sinaloa style.

A week or two ago I was listening to the Geek History Lesson podcast and I had an idea completely and blissfully unrelated to lifting and diet- I’m going to write an article about my picks for the Ultimate X-Men roster. And that shit is far more fun with the weird-ass input of you people, so I’m holding a contest to give away one of Chaos and Pain’s new badass shirt designs to three of the best (or worst) X-Men teams you people can come up with. And hell, assuming this book makes me any money at all, I’ll even throw in a signed, physical copy of the book to the team I deem capable of beating my own.

Either dazzle me with some horror show of a or knock my socks off with an unstoppable juggernaut of a team. Either way, you better have damn good reasoning for your choices, and explain those choices in as much hilarious detail as humanly possible. If your end game is the most violent gay orgy of all time, make that plain- my team will be prepared to do battle even in the most clothing-optional situations.

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It never occurred to me before this moment that X-Men hentai existed. I can’t decide if this is a testament to awesomeness or just the saddest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen.

Entries will close in 36 hours, which is Wednesday 11:15PM EST. After I finish watching Strongest Man in History, I will make the selections, and I’ll be putting the best teams in the article detailing my team. Then, I’ll let you people fight it out in the comments to determine a winner between the three for the book.

The Rules:

Teams must consist of 5-8 members, two of whom must be chicks. They cannot contain more than two members who were together on the roster of one of greatest of the all-time great teams, those being:

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Claremont/Byrne X-Men– Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Banshee, and Kitty Pryde

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Jim Lee’s X-Men Blue– Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Beast, Jubilee, Gambit, and Psylocke

Image result for 80s x-men team Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Rachel Summers, Shadowcat, Longshot, and Havok

80’s X-Men, which consisted of Magneto, Punk rock Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Rachel Summers, Shadowcat, Longshot, and Havok

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That art tho. Jesus, that’s sick.

New X-Force (which if it had Cable would officially be the greatest team ever), which consists of Wolverine, Archangel, Fantomex, Psylocke, Warpath, X-23, and Deadpool

The team has to consist of the following character types:

  • A Leader– a Cyclops, Magneto, Prof X. Someone with a bit of strategery to them, and has to be an established leader in X-Men lore.
  • A Heavy– a smash-all-the-shit-style heavy-hitter pugilist.
  • A Berserker– We all know who the archetype is here. I don’t know about you, but I build my team around the psychotic wild card.
  • A Phase Shifter/Teleporter or a High Flier– I’m old as fuck, and they always had one of these goods, who were typically there to sneak around and annoy the fucking hell out of Wolverine. The high fliers always struck me as pompous little dickheads- “Whee, you can fly. So go fly your fucking ass into the sun and get out of my face,” right? The X-Men teams were never short on annoyances, and these were mine.
  • A Psyker– they always have some dickhead trying to find out what horrible porn they can use for blackmail resides in the deepest recesses of your wrinkled, ugly brain matter..

Each person has to be a mutant member of a major X-Team. That means New Mutants, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, and Excalibur (though Captain Britain is not a mutant, so he’s not eligible). Beyond that, get fucking weird with it.

The shirts are fucking dope.

These shirts are worth twenty minutes of research and debate. And when you give me your reasoning, don’t just post the team- I want to know why you picked who you picked, and why that team would be a cohesive, unstoppable force, at an orgy or otherwise.

I’m going to select the winner from the entries on the Chaos and Pain Facebook. the Plague of Strength Facebook, here, and my Facebook. You only need to enter in the comments on one of those to be considered. Just be precise and for fuck’s sake, be entertaining. Life’s too goddamn short for the boring bullshit we deal with on the daily.

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