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Apex Predator Diet, Part 4- Every Apex Predator Goes On An Occasional Rampage, So Long As Chris Hansen Doesn’t Catch Them First
A hulking figure appeared in the doorway, cloaked in an aura so intense that he barely seemed capable of doing aught but great violence to anything within his reach. As he stepped heavily into the room, the onlookers noticed that every sinew, every muscle, and every vein stood in stark relief beneath his paper thin skin, which threatened to burst like the skin on a sausage left too long on the grill. His t-shirt, loose at the waist, grew tighter as the eye moved upward until it appeared to be strangling him, so tightly was it stretched over his bull-like neck and shoulders. Shouldering aside ill-clad, scrawny hipsters, the brute made his way to the front of the establishment and spoke.
“Bring me a pizza adorned with every conceivable type of meat, as many breadsticks as you can fit into a garbage bag, and a half gallon of whiskey, or I swear by all of the gods that I shall reduce this building to rubble, lay waste to the surrounding areas, carry off your women, and drink all of your liquor. You have fifteen minutes to comply.”
It was, clearly, Rampage Day.
Though you might be thinking that skipping your Rampage day might be a good way to accelerate fat loss, this is not so. In the initial phase of this diet, you might stretch your keto runs to acclimatize yourself to the diet and undo the massive damage you’ve wrecked upon your internal system. Additionally, you’re primarily concerned with being less disgusting to look at and touch, which is understandable. As such, you might be inclined to continue to stretch the no-carb phase of this diet to ten to fourteen days, which can have some very positive metabolic effects. Once you’ve re-entered the realm of human physiques, however, you should rethink that policy, as this diet’s not about not being fat- it’s about being fucking awesome. If you’re going to be awesome, you’re going to need to lift continually heavier weights and get more muscular, and the Rampage is a critical component in that, especially given the fact that some studies have shown that long-term ketogenic diets inhibit muscle growth when the dieter is in a hypocaloric state, which you’ll likely be in for at least part of the week if you’re doing one or more days of Protein Sparing Modified Fasts.(McDaniel) If you’re doing PSMFs and breaking your ass in the gym, it’s highly likely that until you engage in a gastronomic catastrophe like the Rampage, you’re going to be in a hypocaloric state over the balance of the week. That shit simply cannot be allowed to stand, as your workouts will suffer and you could lose some of the muscle you’ve broken your ass inside out to get.
Thus, you should regard a refeed day as sacrosanct. The Rampage Day is essential for getting insanely strong and lean, as a day in which you deliberately overeat carbohydrates is utterly necessary for muscular hypertrophy, strength gains, and overall recomposition. Essentially, the Rampage Day confers more benefits than a cattle prod at a school for the mentally retarded- it stimulates your metabolism,(Matsumoto) replenishes your glycogen stores for heavy training,(Bowden) increases your thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormones,(Poehlman) provides sundry mental health benefits through a forced break from clean eating,(Westrate) and helps normalize most, if not all, of the hormones [involved in] metabolic slowdown: leptin, ghrelin, insulin, etc.”(McDonald RFD 46)
You will, however, have to do the refeed correctly in order to reap its benefits like a Muslim collecting hymens in Jannah. Unless you’re where you want to be in terms of bodyfat, however, this isn’t going to be a fucking free-for-all day, as you’re hardly out of the water yet. Instead, the Rampage is a combination of a structured refeed (like you’d do for a glycogen supercompensation) and a cheat meal.
If you’re still worried that you’ll grow your disgusting fatbody back in your first Rampage, fear not- there are at least two studies that suggest that the body continues to use bodyfat for fuel during the first 24 hours of carbohydrate loading, so provided you stick to the plan, you’ll be well on your way to getting the striated buttocks of which you’ve always dreamed.(McDonald KD 135) At least one study has shown that short breaks from high fat diets will not have an adverse effect on lipolytic activity, and lipolytic activity in people who take high carb breaks from high fat diets are actually higher than those who are on a high carbohydrate diet, meaning you’ll burn more fat if you cheat a bit once a week.(Saitoh) Additionally, fellow low-carbohydrate dieting advocate, Dave Palumbo, stated that if “you use a keto-diet, you’ll need to have a cheat meal (to spike insulin) at least once per week to keep the thyroid functioning normally.” For anyone who’s ever met a grossly obese person, they invariably claim that their thyroid’s at fault, rather than the fact that they gave up vertical locomotion for a scooter and some Ho-Ho’s ten years ago, and haven’t even bothered to mourn the fact that they’ve not seen their genetalia in in 15 years due to their obsession with television game shows and Cheetos. Best to keep your distance from those motherfuckers and keep that thyroid humming like a chick from the Berkeley School of music giving a blowjob.
Get Rampagin’!
On your Rampage Day, you’re going to plan on consuming 3.5-4.5 grams per pound of gross bodyweight. Thus, a 154 lb. person should consume 600 grams of total carbohydrates on Rampage Day, whereas a 200 lb person would consume around 800. The timing of the carbohydrates is not as important as the amount, though I prefer to keep myself in a caloric deficit until the cheat window to milk every bit of stimulus I can out of the massive influx of food. Additionally, predators in the wild invariably have a “marked circadian rhythm” and their hunting motivation is “influenced by the activity of endogenous clocks”(McFarland 463) Though you might be skeptical of the application of this fact to you, humans are universally considered to be apex predators, so it is in our nature to eat in a particular rhythm. This might be why I find this diet so fucking easy to follow- it has a nice flow. Additionally, my body seems primed for the influx of calories in the evening, which leads me to believe that you’ll utilize the majority of the calories you ingest if your Rampage is synchronous with your largest meal during the week. Is there science to support that? Fuck no, but it makes sense, so I’m sticking with it.
You don’t need to walk around with a notepad and calculator all fucking day long, either- the key to the refeed is how many carbs and which kinds, rather than the pace at which you eat them.. For the first couple of Rampages, you might want to plan them a bit so you’re shooting for the right carbohydrate levels. This will give you a benchmark and allow you the opportunity to fine tune your intake as you go. Others of you might want to go my route and keep your carbs under 200 grams for the duration of the day, so that no matter how fucking nuts you go come cheat time you cannot overshoot your mark. I found this particularly helpful in the early stages, but as I got leaner it went from unnecessary to possibly counterproductive.
Multiple sources I’ve read virtually scream that you should avoid fructose during glycogen recomposition, as it simply replenishes liver stores and can actually be stored as bodyfat. Though vegans will scream bloody murder this isn’t true, science does not appear to have their back. Instead, science appears to have gained full mount and is currently beating vegans like they’re talking shit on a California playground. “Fructose is more lipogenic than glucose or starches, and usually causes greater elevations in triglycerides and sometimes in cholesterol than other carbohydrates. Dietary fructose has resulted in increases in blood pressure, uric acid, and lactic acid.”
To add insult to injury, “added fructose seems to provide little advantage over other caloric sweetners and compares unfavorably to complex carbohydrates in susceptible segments of the population.”(Hallfrisch) Thus, I’d avoid fruit for the most part. Additionally, overdoing the sucrose can lead to some being stored as bodyfat. If you’re eating either, try to restrict them to 50 grams and 100 grams, respectively, to avoid reducing the efficacy of the refeed.(McDonald RFL 46-7) That’s not to say that you should underdo it, however. The Minnesota Experiment showed that the utilization of the minimum necessary calories in a refeed will lead to decreased enthusiasm for the diet and training, no matter the macronutrient composition.(Russell 129) Thus, you’ll Rampage as intelligently and aggressively as you should do everything, like you’re a modern day Neanderthal with an 8 inch boner facing down a wooly mammoth that’s trying to rape your girlfriend.
The Rampage Itself
In the past, I covered cheat windows fairly in-depth and mentioned that there are a couple of ways to skin this proverbial cat. The Rampage will utilize none of those, and will instead rely on a single 3 hour cheat window on the heels of the aforementioned carbohydrate refeed. During the cheat window, I encourage you to eat like you’re a midwestern housewife at an all-you-can-eat buffet and gorge yourself. I usually pick foods on which I can graze, as I’ve shrunken my stomach and haven’t got any interest in putting myself in physical pain during my weekly three hour holiday. There’s no metabolic reasoning for grazing, however- it’s just what I like to do. For those of you who are about to throw Lyle McDonald in my face, relax, I’ve read the same shit. His contention is that during these structured refeeds, you should definitely not “use the concept as an excuse to eat yourself sick or eat three times what you’d normally eat.”(McDonald, 34) I’ll tell you this from experience- the farther you get in a given diet, the less you can consume in three hours- it’s a matter of pure biology. Thus, at the beginning of your diet, you’ll be able to eat more during your cheats, which will likely slow your progress. Should you notice this, you can moderate future Rampages to forestall that slowdown, though as you get leaner, you’ll notice you can get away with a lot more in the way of craziness and lapses. Additionally, once start seeing definition you’d never seen before, or veins you never thought you’d ever see, you’re going to naturally restrict yourself on your cheats to prevent any backsliding, at least until you’ve stayed lean for a considerable period of time and find yourself nearly insane with hunger by Friday night.
I usually choose to Rampage at night. From a insulin standpoint this is probably not ideal, but from a lifestyle standpoint, I don’t care. There’s not enough of a difference in hormone levels between morning and night to justify worrying about my insulin levels, and I find that it’s awesome to go to bed full to bursting and have the night to digest and bomb out my place in peace, rather than force myself to eat a meal when it’s inconvenient.
Some nutritionists believe that pre-workout is the best time for a scheduled cheat window. Anytime I’ve tried to schedule a cheat meal early in a day and train later, however, I find that my lift’s a disaster, and I spend the majority of the time acting like I’ve got some horrible stomach flu. The kind of flu wherein you know you’re going to paint the bathroom one color or another because everything wants out all at once. I chose wrong once, and my mom had to clean the bathroom after, as I passed out with my head hanging over the toilet, pants around my ankles, shit covering every square inch of the bathroom. This has made Mother’s Day expensive since I was 6. I don’t wish to repeat that event, so I don’t cheat pre-workout.
Two supplements that will increase the effectiveness of your cheat meal are:
ECA stack– It increases your thermogenesis anyway, but “ephedrine alone can increase the thermic effect of a meal by 30%”(Berardi). As such, make sure you whack that back prior to the initiation of your feeding frenzy to ensure that you’re getting the optimal metabolic response to your overfeeding.
Digestive enzymes– Before, during, and after. Trust me, they’ll help. If you’ve been eating clean, your body’s going to have something to say about what you’re eating, and it’s going to let everyone in the room know what it thinks about it. This should prevent any non-alcohol-related pants-shitting, and keep you from smelling like you’ve shit them. Lastly, it’ll increase the absorption of the nutrients you’d so rudely and crudely stuffed down your ravenous gullet, increasing the positive effects of that meal and hopefully negating any of the negative ones.
One last word on this, for you fatties- don’t include these feeding frenzies if you’re not already lean. If you’re a fatass, you don’t deserve them from a mental standpoint and cannot really utilize them from a metabolic one. As such, you’d be wise to steer clear until you can see some abs. For guys, this means under 15%, tops. For girls, that means… whatever the female equivalent of 15% is. We’ll call it 25-27%. If you can see abs, have at it- otherwise, wait until you can. Additionally, if you find that cheat meals are either not helping, or they’re actually hurting, monkey with the timing, duration, and what you’re actually eating. Should you find yourself in the aforementioned fatass category, limit yourself a bit in your Rampage- you’ve been on a years-long Rampage and it’s high time you exercised some self control. Make sure you get your carbs, but keep the fats below 25% of your total calories while doing so. Kill a couple of bags of Baked Lays and hit up Fuddruckers for a couple of Buffalo Burgers, maybe. Remember- eye on the fucking prize.
The rest of you… get ready. Tomorrow we Rampage.
Arnold, Patrick. A Steroid for Flu Prevention. Muscular Development, 2/10/10, p. 276.
Berardi, John. “Q & A with John Berardi.” Iron Magazine.
Bowden VL and McMurray RG. Effects of training status on the metabolic responses to high carbohydrate and high fat meals. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2000 Mar;10(1):16-27.
Faigin, Rob. Natural Hormonal Enhancement. Cedar Mountain: Extique, 2000.
Hallfrisch J. Metabolic effects of dietary fructose. FASEB. 1990; 4:2652-2660.
Matsumoto T, et al. Comparison of thermogenic sympathetic response to food intake between obese and non-obese young women. Obes Res 2001 Feb;9(2):78-85
McDaniel SS, Rensing NR, et al. Epilepsis 2011;52:3(30), e7-11.
McDonald, Lyle. A Guide to Flexible Dieting. Taylorsville: McDonald, 2005.
McDonald, Lyle. Ketogenic Dieting.
McDonald, Lyle. Rapid Fat Loss.
Palumbo, David. “Q&A with Dave Palumbo.”
Poehlman ET, et al. Genotype dependency of the thermic effect of a meal and associated hormonal changes following short-term overfeeding. Metabolism 1986 Jan;35(1):30-6.
Saitoh S, Matsuo T, Tagami K, Chang K, Tokuyama K, and Masashige Suzuki. Effects of short-term dietary change from high fat to high carbohydrate diets on the storage and utilization of glycogen and triacylglycerol in untrained rats. EUR J APP PHYS OCC PHYS; 74 (1-2):13-22
Sarkola T, Ericksson TJP. Testosterone increases in men after a low dose of alcohol. AL Clin Exper Res; 27 (4): 682-5.
Westrate JA, Hautvast JG. The effects of short-term carbohydrate overfeeding and prior exercise on resting metabolic rate and diet-induced thermogenesis. Metabolism. 1990. Dec;39(12):1232-9.
Willey, Warren. Better Than Steroids. Trafford: Pocatello, 2007.
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46 responses to “Apex Predator Diet, Part 4- Every Apex Predator Goes On An Occasional Rampage, So Long As Chris Hansen Doesn’t Catch Them First”
So of what do your Rampage Day meals consist before the cheat window?
I covered that here: and somewhere else. I've added MetRx Big 100s postworkout on that day and usually some Baked lays during the day. Occasionally I'll have a bowl of rice and chicken from Chipotle as well.
Oh, nice. Well being the cheap-skate I am and still sticking to the convenience thing, I went with a box of Rice Krispies with no milk today. Tonight is a large meat-lover's pizza.
German beer, Heineken.
I'm not sure if you're just fucking with us, or if you had a mental lapse while you were shoving down that fucking delicious looking pizza.
Germanic? Haha. I was focused on other details.
What Heineken?…
Just wondered if there was a need for the use of a supplement (e.g alpha lipoic acid) to clea up any remaining glucose in the blood before going back to keto?
Secondly, I heard Kiefer talking recently about carbs in the evening actually being better because insulin sensitivity is lower and thus more of the carbohydrate is wasted. Dont know how accurate it is but it seems to make some sense.
Finally, during the rest of the week do you go absolutely zero carb and leave any green things?(Keeping it to brocolli/spinach/ kale/avocado)
I've been doing something very similiar to this, which was the product of combining lots of different ideas, but there are some extra points i'll be implementing after reading your stuff. Thanks.
I don't see how being less insulin sensitive could be better.
I've never tried ALA and have no idea who Kiefer is. Your body will absorb most or all of the carbohydrate you injest on your carb up, provided you keep your macros in the prescribed range. If it didn't, I'd be inclined to adjust carbs rather than attempt to make up the difference with ALA.
I don't eat veggies. I'm not saying you shouldn't, but from everything I've read it's unnecessary if you're eating organ meats and marrow (or if you're getting your veggies in pill form). I live by myself and thus any veggies I purchase invariably spoil before I cook them all, so I said fuck it on that front.
Vegetables are what food eats.
Hey, digging the diet! You mentioned that at night it didn't seem optimal from an insulin standpoint to have your cheat meal. However, that is pretty much the basis of John Kiefer's Carb-Backloading, which is getting a lot of hype right now, ( Don;t know if you heard about if or if it will help, just putting it out there.
Good looking out.
HAHA, your ANALOGIES are awesome!
I don't really understand the difference, actually…
I was just messing with you since you meant "analogies" last time. But it's funny because he actually did use an allegory this time.
The bit at the beginning is an allegory, whereas an analogy is easiest to identify by the use of "like". Thus, "Best to keep your distance from those motherfuckers and keep that thyroid humming like a chick from the Berkeley School of music giving a blowjob" is an analogy. Conversely, allegory uses some kind of symbolism to represent a general idea.
What happened to the IGX-hating blog you just put up?
Hahaha. That was just a blog idea I meant to save and accidentally posted. I'll get that one up sometime- I just wanted to save my core ideas. This weekend will kick off the first of a series of blogs applying all of the points in Warfighting to lifting. After that, more Predators, another Feral Blog, and possibly another Baddest Motherfucker on someone you'd not expect if I can find enough source material.
Yes, but, what about that awsome back picture you promised us? Come on man, you know you got us blue-balled over that shit. Quit holding out on us J-Loo.
"Warfighting to lifting", Can't wait for that shit. As I've talked with you before, the demands of having a timed running event for my Army PFT (especially while in the desert) fucks my squats. It's scored and if you want a low time, running is the answer. It blows dick when I watch my squat drop 40 lbs in a month.
Heavy squats, pulls and presses steered me towards a 300 on the Army PFT. I ran an 11:42 on the two-mile run in the desert. Hadn't ran at all in the previous four to six months prior to that run…in my experience, running isn't the answer.
Jamie, what's your opinion on DHEA?
Hahahahaha. My opinion is that you're somehow communicating with us from the early 1990s. My DeLorean's in the shop, unfortunately, but I can tell you that according to 21st century science (you know, the one in which we live), DHEA does exactly fuckall. Were you planning on stacking that with Phosphagen HP and HMB? Maybe throw some Smilax in there for good measure?
Haha you cheeky fucker, it's in this preworkout I just picked up, Muscle Sport Lean Revolution. I apparently picked up a bottle of the old formula with it. I looked at the ingredients, picked a different flavor, and then bought it. I didn't notice until it was too late to return. I couldn't find shit on the google (and I generally loathe bodybuidling forums), so I figured I'd ask you. Why the fuck not, right?
It thus far isn't anything but a subpar preworkout, I'll just chalk it up to another fucking shit experiment.
Kiefers diet is a very enjoyable way to relax on diet in a structured fashion during the year! Me and most of my mates just skip breakfast and have lost of coffee to decrease insulin resisistance and then eat pretty shitty post workout after college (get home at around 9pm and force feed). Its not great for cutting though, at all, however it doesnt take much effort taking out that 1 force fed meal at night!
His point is to build up insulin resistance in both tissues during the day and use muscle contraction to store glucose preferentially in the muscle, independently of insulin (has somthing to do with calcium ion release from the muscle cell which influences GLUT-4 translocation especially …I think thats the case anyway…the other GLUTz arent as abundant anyway im pretty sure)
You mention digestive enzymes quite a bit. Do you mean something like Natrol Digest Support or a probiotic like Acidophilus or both?
NOW Super Enzymes, unless you want something specific, will probably cover you for cheap. Robb Wolf had no problem recommending them to his paleo crowd, last I checked.
Recently he has recommended Solaray Betaine HCL. I can't remember if that was in place of the Super Enzymes or not. But next order I make I'm getting some Betaine, since the Super Enzymes haven't given me the "warmth" yet.
I just use HCL, Papain, and Bromelain. Shit's In Animal Pak, so I just use that. I'll use probiotics from time to time, but I've never noticed a change in my health from them.
That blowjob picture is fucking rotten man, and I've seen some rotten pictures. Reminds me of the alien with the cold in Flight of the Navigator.
A chick emailed me that pic, haha. Any good throatfucking should look like that, man. What's a little snot between friends?
What if you did Tabata/HIIT with weights every morning during the fast days?
As a metabolism boost for the whole morning?
Should be awesome. I generally hit the gym for 15-30 mins in the morning at least three times a week, though I despise killing myself in the gym in the morning so I'll just fuck around with one arm deads or jump from machine to machine.
great stuff ! i do not know why but this video came to my mind after reading this article
So I guess if your a fatass >15% that you don't have to worry about metabolic shutdown or any of that since you have enough body-fat to fuel yourself?
Kiefer is John Kiefer (dangerously hardcore) and he has a diet very similar to this called Carb Nite System. It's basically 1g/lb or body weight worth of protein and up to that much fat, <30g carbs daily. For the initiation phase you go 10 days and on the 11th day you refeed for a 6 hour window in the evening, preferably after lifting. From that point you go at least 4 days <30g carbs, but ideally 6th. On the 7th day you refeed. I've been doing it for 5 weeks now and have seen decent results and numbers have gone up.
I do like yours better because I've started IoI and I'm fucking loving the intensity, but I can tell that Carb Nite just isn't keeping up. Today is my 7th day in a row and I can tell it's taking its toll. I'm ordering 8 pounds of powder on Thursday and I will be starting Predator some time next week once I get all the flesh and powder ready to consume. I'm pretty pumped. Thanks for the info.
IoI = issuance of insanity, in case that was not clear.
Just an FYI, Kiefer's "Carb Nite Solution" is actually a SKD. Fat needs to make up the majority of your calories, because your body is using fat for fuel. Therefore, you need to eat greater amounts of fat (in grams) than protein. Which it sounds like you weren't doing, and probably explains your sub-par results.
This diet however relies on gluconeogenisis for fat-loss (converting protein to sugar), and accounts for that with the excess protein intake, and ensures that the body won't use dietary fats by keeping fat intake moderate relative to protein.
If you're going to do either diet, do it to the T. Don't mix and match protocols in the hopes of improving them. You'll only make both of them suck.
I didn't have sub-par results. My numbers went up and my bodyfat dropped and that was the goal. However, I was doing a different routine before; periodization, 4-day split. Now I'm following Issuance of Insanity and my body just isn't keeping up on CNS. Kiefer even states not to spend too much time in the gym on CNS because it's harder to recover. My gains are still there, but I'm feeling slightly more fatigued, that's all. Also, I have been eating plenty of fats, around 1:1, sometimes more. CNS worked great for the schedule I was on.
I'm actually quite curious where you got any of the things you mentioned, like sub-par results, not eating enough fat, mixing and matching protocols. Nothing in my post had anything to do with that. I'm guessing you just assumed all that.
Also, in the Carb Nite book the meal plans are actually less fat than protein, so, according to the book you are incorrect about eating more fat than protein. Even on the higher calorie meal plan it's about a 3:4 ratio.
I fucking love this blog.
What do you graze on for your rampage meals? Does it matter as long as you stay away from fructose and sucrose?
Incidentally, I'm going to have to figure out wtf sucrose is NOT in.
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