For those of you without the benefit of a liberal arts education, I’ll clue you into a secret- pretty much every generation in history has looked back to a bygone era as a mythical “golden age.” Just as most rational people view their past relationships through rose colored glasses (the alternative being the weird malice you see all over Facebook), most of the historians in history view previous generations as superior to their own. Clearly, I am no exception to this rule, and make no bones about it.

Yeah, that’s me.

What follows, however, is hardly the simple musings of an admittedly crotchety old man. This is a serious issue facing humanity and requires a serious solution, rather than just burying our heads in the sand and pretending shit is going to be ok- mankind is devolving at a rather exceptional rate. Whether this is entirely due to our wild-eyed disregard for the state of our environment or nature’s way of curtailing the population growth of the veritable cancer that is the human race, mankind is seeing a precipitous drop in testosterone levels, sperm counts, and sexual activity, a concomitant drop in IQ, and a precipitous rise in disgusting fat-bodiedness (Engber, Harding).

In short, we are becoming less awesome by the fucking minute. Every moment that passes, there are fewer people doing badass things, fewer people discovering cool new concepts, fewer people making pithy comments, and fewer people fucking fewer other people, and when they do it, they do it less well, with limper dicks. It’s not just that we’re descending into the world of Idiocracy– shit, that would be a boon by comparison. More like we’re becoming the amorphous fatbodies in Wall-E, incapable of fucking and unable to articulate our desire to do so even if we had one. And while the world would definitely be better off without humanity, someone’s gotta make sure the Pomeranians of the world don’t starve to death in our absence (the cats will be just fine without us).

I’m not even gonna make this one about religion… though I could, haha.

The Problem, In Detail

Perhaps you’re of the opinion that my statements above are overblown in some way. If we’ve enough intellect to get off the Earth and into very low Earth orbit, certainly we’re not retarded. And didn’t Hafthor just break a 1000 year old strength record? That’s gotta count for something. And what about the largest gangbangs on record? We’re still kicking ass sex-wise.

Actually, no. The Greeks and Romans certainly outperformed us from a sexual perspective (along with basically every other pre-modern, non-Judeo-Christian people); Hafthor was only able to outperform Orm Storulfsson by making lifting his job, eating far more calories than the Viking did, and likely outweighing him by 1.5 to 2x his bodyweight; and average IQs have dropped five points since 1975. There is no denying it- we are, very quantifiably and indisputably, in a state of pronounced devolution.

If your grandpa is Richard Lupkes, you don’t even qualify as a fucking human by comparison.

You’re Not the Man Your Dad Was, and Not Even a Man Compared to Your Grandpa.

At the risk of sounding like a Boomer, it’s true- none of us are worth a shit from a testosterone standpoint in comparison to our forebears. The least masculine motherfucker in your family line 150 years ago likely had more testosterone pumping through her veins at age 50. Yeah, that’s right- an effeminate woman from the 19th century would stand a fair chance of putting you in the fucking ground if you decided to throw hands with her. Yeah, it sounds like some serious hyperbole, but tragically, I can’t exaggerate something so pronounced.

  • a 2007 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism showed an average yearly decline in testosterone levels since 1980. That means that a 60-year-old man in 2004 had testosterone levels 17% lower than those of a 60-year-old in 1987 (Travison). If that’s not sinking in, that means your natty test levels are now basically half what a guy your age was rocking for natural test levels in 1980. That means your natty does not equal 1980s natty, by any stretch of the fucking imagination– it is almost unspeakably inferior. 
  • a similar study done in Denmark showed that it goes even deeper than that- dudes born in the 1960s had on average 14 percent lower testosterone levels than males born in the 1920s (Nordal). SHBG (the shit that determines how much test your body can actually use) also increased 26% in the same period, so not only were they producing less test, but they could use less of what little they did produce (Andersson).
  • You’re way weaker than your dad was. A 2016 study showed that the average 20- to 34-year-old man could apply 98 pounds of force with a right-handed grip, down from 117 pounds by a man of the same age in 1985. Younger millennials (25-29) are hilariously weak compared to guys the same age when Back to the Future was in theaters- they can exert 25 pounds less force than their forbears. That means that irrespective of test levels, your hand strength as a male is at best 84% of what a dude your age was rocking 30 years ago (Ingraham).  
  • And ladies, don’t think you’re doing any better- while older millennials are stronger than their forebears, younger millennials and Gen Z women are so weak that they might as well be quadriplegics (Ibid).
As for a MGTOW fighting a cardboard cutout of Clubber Lang, well let’s just say that cutout is why they’re going their own way in the first place- that cutout could get harder than the MGTOW could.

If that doesn’t make you sit up and take notice, it’s like nothing can. This isn’t some sort of retarded MGTOW bitch-made “push back against encroachments on masculinity” nonsense, because the dudes promulgating that bullshit that shit are pussies who would lose a fistfight to a damp cardboard cutout of Sylvester Stallone. This is simply a wakeup call that what you think is natty is actually nothing of the sort- it a chemically altered state created by the combined effects of phyto- and xenoestrogens on your system, combined with shitty diet, a disgusting level of adiposity, sloth, and doubtless a number of other environmental factors.

In other words, you’re not “natty” because you’re not on gear- you’re on birth control drugs, which is hardly natty at all. You’re actively pursuing a sex change.

Your test levels are likely so low that the next chick whose ass you grab is gonna tune you the fuck up. And you know who gets salty about a fucking commercial? Dudes with low testosterone and high estrogen.

And if you are one of these dumbshits running around with your fucking panties in a twist because a razor commercial told you not to catcall girls (which is the worst conceivable kind of fucking game anyway), but you’re still natty because “you don’t need no steronz” or however you halfwits speak, consider this- not only is your terrible game at fault for the fact you can’t get fucking laid, but the fact you’re a bitch compared to her dad makes it even harder to get in those panties.

“Most American Millennial men report feeling pressured to project a traditional image of manhood characterized by traits like toughness, self-reliance, and hypersexuality—but when asked if they wish to emulate these characteristics themselves, the majority don’t. A separate survey asked men to rate themselves on a scale of “completely masculine” to “completely feminine.” Only 30% of 18- to 29-year-olds chose “completely masculine.” That’s compared to 65% of men over 65. All these social and cultural changes have also left Millennial women in uncharted waters. More face a dating pool where partners of equal education and status are harder to come by, leaving them waiting for men catch up or deciding to go it alone. “They aren’t men,” one young woman told Philadelphia Magazine flatly. “They’re boys.” It’s a sign of a long-term generational reversal: When Boomer women were coming of age, they wanted kinder, gentler men in touch with their feelings. Now Millennial women yearn for guys who can “man up” and take care of business” (Howe).

Whatever you do, be more Samoan. That seems to be a pretty good rule of thumb.

In short- shit is seriously fucked up. We’ve got birth control meds, psych meds, and estrogenic runoff from pesticides in our water sources, xenoestrogens leached from plastics in our food and beverages (even that BPA-free bullshit) all crushing the shit out of male and female endocrine systems around the developed world (Yang, Bittner). And if that weren’t enough, big agriculture decided to drop high fructose corn syrup in such a preposterous number of foods that unless you’ve made it yourself or it says “sugar free” on the label, it’s damn near a certainty that the chemical slag heap known as high fructose corn syrup is involved in the manufacture of the shit you’re eating. Yeah, it’s not enough that Monsanto’s got you growing bitch tits just from your fucking tap water, but they decided to up the ante and give you metabolic syndrome just to make leaning out for the beach that much fucking harder.

“We confirm prior studies demonstrating that HFCS can induce metabolic dysregulation and add to accumulating data that this can arise in the absence of obesity. Reduced dopamine is associated with obesity and may contribute to compulsive eating. We demonstrate that HFCS can impair dopamine function in the absence of weight gain or increased fat consumption. As reduced dopamine function has been implicated in compulsive behaviors and reduced energy expenditure and insulin dysregulation incurs increased obesity risk, changes in glucose regulation and dopamine function induced by HFCS may precede and contribute to obesity in the long-run. Increased consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks has been associated with increased rates of obesity and metabolic disorder, especially in developed countries that consume a ‘Western’ diet when compared to those countries with lower access” (Meyers).

Think You’re Clever? You Only Think That Because You’re Not As Smart As You Should Be.

This might be a tough nut to swallow, but on top of the fact that our endocrine systems are basically wet dogshit compared to our grandparents’, but our brains are trash as well. Studies in Denmark, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Finland and Estonia have all shown that although IQs rose steadily from 1962 to 1975, they’ve been declining precipitously since that year (Smith, Bratsberg). Although the drop has only been five percentage points, I’d imagine few people who read this site are willing to accede to declining IQ scores, and bear in mind that five points can be the difference between average intelligence and borderline retarded.

Though scientists have not yet pinpointed the exact cause, they are certain that the cause is environmental rather than genetic, so once again, you’re being poisoned by your environment.

Set the Stage, the Ambush Begins: Get Ready for the Pro-Gear Spiel

You people need more good hardcore in your lives, and though you might know them from the bangin’ cover Knocked Loose just did, these guys are about to drop a new album.

Being natty these days is like fighting a battle of the Alamo against the combined forces of genetics, big agriculture, big oil, and common sense instead of the ragtag Mexican army, except instead of 200 hardened and heavily armed frontiersmen, you’re fighting with soft-as-runny-shit kindergartners armed with paper clips and rubber bands. Seriously, it would be like having the least hard person in your fallout shelter insisting everyone go fight the marauding cannibalistic mutants naked and armed with stale peanut butter sandwiches. It’s about as sensible as eating tide pods, but without any of the concomitant honor that comes with voluntarily ingesting poison so that your death amuses others.

Speaking from the position of someone who was straightedge until he was 27, I have the benefit of having been even more militant than your resident USAPL lifter, only with more logic and better music on my side. I wasn’t natty for the excuse to be weaker- I was natty because I enjoyed proving that I was better than everyone around me without any of the aids of which everyone else availed myself. If I was at a party and saw someone hammered as fuck and having a great time, I didn’t go “yeah, well, that shit’s easy when you’re hammered”- I just whyled out harder. The same went for the gym- in those days, there was none of the excuse manking and hand-wringing and whining of the natty crowd with my crew and I. Instead of whining and bitching and making excuses, we went so much fucking harder than those guys we managed, for the most part, to keep up or beat them. It’s amazing what a little extra effort will do.

These days I side more with the Workaholics crew, though for the life of me I don’t understand the appeal of weed.

It was only when I realized that the satisfaction inherent in that knowledge made me theoretically superior to others in my mind, yet inferior to my actual potential, that I was forced to revise my position. It’s not that I was underperforming by anyone’s standards but my own, and beset on all sides by nonstop accusations of PED use anyway, I figured there was no reason not to use them. After all, I still faced this grand existential question:

Was I actually morally, physically, and spiritually superior to those who used the aids I eschewed, or was I simply afraid that once I completely leveled the playing field by indulging that I would not exceed the performance of others as greatly as I expected?

For me, that was a hell of an existential crisis. I grew up screaming the lyrics to Minor Threat, beating the brakes off kids in the pit to Earth Crisis while screaming “I AM STRAIGHT EDGE,” and brawling with skins after shows. I realized, though, that while the moral superiority I felt was pretty dope, I was pretty much intolerable for my friends to be around outside the gym, and I was passing up on a lot of fun for virtually no reason. Thus, at 27 I broke my edge but still refrained from using any kind of PEDS (though just like the Courage Crew used to end up with their blood all over my fists over me drinking Diet Coke while X’d up because of the caffeine in it, the USAPL would end up in a similar situation over my love of ephedrine and caffeine) until I started using “prohormones” at around 31. Frankly, we were unaware that they were black market steroids at first, and didn’t really give a fuck anyway- legal was legal, and that counted for natty in my book. A couple years later I realized gear is gear and just started using the good shit, which I’ve since used on and off, in wildly unscientific 80s style (but with pretty fucking low doses) since.

The point of this uncharacteristically personal anecdote is that I get the natty argument wholeheartedly, from both a spiritual and a moral perspective. If you’re avoiding gear from a physiological perspective, just stop reading and put your helmet and bib back on, because you’re too fucking stupid to absorb the remainder of this missive. Frankly, if you’re that fearful and sad, I’ve no idea how you ended up here in the first place, but you should consider utilizing another resource- the effects of low to moderate doses of testosterone don’t come with enough negative health effects to justify their avoidance, especially when the alternative is a long, weak, depressed, boring, fearful life lived parked in front of the fucking television, or in the case of the under 25 set, hiding from the sun and a social life in their parents’ basement.

Hey, if you want those shitty, lonely, health-problem filled later years, you can fucking have them. I’m good with dying at 75-80 and leaving a good-looking corpse.

And though I know of no one who’s posited it, the precipitous decline in testosterone in the West seems to coincide with the increase in lifespan, so perhaps that accounts in part for the increase. Frankly, it’s all academic to me, because no matter how rich you are, being old as fuck sucks. I’ll happily shave a few years off the end to pack more awesome into the middle.

It is fucking crazy this movie came out 42 years ago and in that time we’ve gotten dumber, weaker, more limp-dicked, and generally worse in every possible way, yet the message is still eerily on point.

I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. Everybody’s out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel’s worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there’s nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there’s no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that’s the way it’s supposed to be. 
We know things are bad — worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: ‘Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.’ 
Well, I’m not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get MAD!

The Solutions, As I See Them

  • drink out of glass. As I cited above, even the BPA-free plastic leeches estrogens into whatever it’s storing.
  • store your food in glass. Chuck all of the plasticware in your house and get shit like this.
  • stop using weed killer on your yard. “These herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals are known as “estrogen mimickers,” “hormone disrupters,“ endocrine disruptors or xenoestrogens. These estrogen-like chemicals bind in estrogen receptor sites which are fat bound. Estrogens and estrogen mimickers from herbicides and other substances, increase vascular patterns and metabolism in the breast. If you have a group of cells that have become abnormal and are growing, or a a cancerous tumor is present, nitric oxide is released from these abnormal cells. If the vascular network has increased in the area of the tumor and the vessels are now dilated due to the release of nitric oxide and the increased availability of oxygen and nutrition, tumor doubling time is likely to become deadly. Tumors set up their own blood flow known as neo-angiogenesis.The medical literature on pesticides/herbicide exposures is clear on the fact that these chemicals harm neurological, reproductive and hormonal systems” (Edstrom).
  • take nootropics. Though they were deemed “not nutritional supplements” by the FDA and thus illegal for me to include in Cannibal Genius (which led to us discontinuing it), racetams are the creme de la creme in my mind. I generally avoid amphetamines and wouldn’t really feel comfortable recommending them to anyone, especially given the fact that I’ve never understood how someone could develop an opioid addiction, yet we’re living in a post-apocalyptic heroin-filled wasteland at this point. As a general rule, do not take anything that is chemically habit forming for more than three days in a row– I can say from experience once you pass the three day mark you tend to lose focus on life as a whole.
  • take anti-estrogens and testosterone. If no one else is gonna say it, I will. For anyone under 25, this is likely a bad idea, and I’m not a big fan of megadosing gear, so I’m not recommending you go all Michalik/Grymkowski/Piana on the deal. That said, I’m no gear guru and am not going to make any specific recommendations beyond the fact that some arimidex and 300mg of test a week does a body good (and some more could be more gooder). Clearly, ladies, you’d use less than that, but I know of no good resource to use as a guide- I’d ask trainers who help women physique competitors for gear recommendations.
    • The natty stuff is not going to get you the 40%-50% increase in test that you’d need to match the test levels of the lifters of the mid-20th Century, so I see no point in fucking around with them. I realize you’re going to ask a lot of specific questions for which I have no answers, because I don’t give a fuck about gear any more than I give a fuck about what kind of hammer I’m using to drive nails.
    • If you’re a Redditor/Channer, understand that tren is not some magical substance. How you people got that idea I’ll never know, but it’s fucking stupid. It helps lean you out. No magic required.
  • take T3 when leaning out (or just periodically throughout the year). You’ve got HFCS in your system, which means your metabolism is fucked. Women seem to be especially susceptible to metabolic syndrome, and it plays merry hell with everything from their moods to their fat deposition. I wouldn’t run it for more than 6-8 weeks, lest you fuck up your body’s ability to produce T3 naturally, and if you want to run it, here is a guide.
  • make your own condiments. Not only will they taste considerably better than the shit you have in your fridge, but they won’t contain high fructose corn syrup or any of the other horrible shit you’ll find in your average bottle of Heinz bullshit. If you suck at cooking, get your shit together and learn, but in the meantime get the shit without HFCS in it.
Don’t even bother asking for specific recommendations, because this accurately describes my feelings on getting overly concerned with gear.

And there you have it- a detailed, if lengthy, bit of reasoning on why we all need to say fuck the government and start bumping up our PED use. You might disagree with my conclusion, but that would be because you’re wrong, for the reasons I have detailed above, and you’ll come around one you get those racetams and anti-estrogens poppin’. In any event, make your own decisions and choose your own path, because in the end, that’s about the only freedom we really have.

Feel like trolling me in the comments about how you don’t need gear and toxic masculinity and you’re a fucking badass? Feel free. But before you start, know this

  • The behavior associated with toxic masculinity is the behavior of bullies, and bullies have far lower testosterone than the people they’re bullying. They’re fearful, weak little bitches who are acting in a manner they thin seems tough because they’ve no idea what toughness is (Vaillancourt). So if you’ve got your panties in a bunch over the concept of toxic masculinity, it’s because you’re a fucking bitch.

Yo, have you chacked out my badass new book yet?

You can also get an actual paper copy, which might seem old-timey but is actually far easier to use as a resource.


Andersson AM, Jensen TK, Juul A, Petersen JH, Jørgensen T, Skakkebaek NE.  Secular decline in male testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin serum levels in Danish population surveys.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Dec;92(12):4696-705.

Bratsberg B, Rogeberg O.  Flynn effect and its reversal are both environmentally caused.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jun 26;115(26):6674-6678. 

Edstrom, Ingrid.  Pesticides, herbicides, chemicals- oh my!  ZRT Lab.  28 Apr 2015.  Web.  6 Aug 2019.

Engber, Daniel.  The great endumbening.  Slate.  19 Sep 2018.  Web.  3 Aug 2019.

Ferder L, Ferder MD, Inserra F.  The role of high-fructose corn syrup in metabolic syndrome and hypertension.  Curr Hypertens Rep. 2010 Apr;12(2):105-12. 

Harding, Anne.  Men’s testosterone levels declined in last 20 years.  Reuters.  19 Jan 2007.  Web.  14 Jun 2019.

Howe, Neil.  You’re not the man your father was.  Forbes.  2 Oct 2017.  Web/  16 Jun 2019.

Ingraham, Christopher.  Today’s men are not nearly as strong as their dads were, researchers say.  The Washington Post.  15 Aug 2016.  Web.  14 Jun 2019.

Kimbrell, Andrew.  The big lie: Monsanto and the New York Times.  Huffington Post.  16 Dec 2019.  Web.  14 Jun 2019.

Meyers AM.  High fructose corn syrup induces metabolic dysregulation and altered dopamine signaling in the absence of obesity.  PLoS One. 2017; 12(12): e0190206.

Nordal, Erlingur.  Testosterone levels decreasing in Danish men.  Ice News.  17 May 2010.  Web.  14 Jun 2019.

Smith, Rory.  IQ scores are falling and have been for decades, new study finds.  CNN.  14 Jun 2018.  Web.  5 Aug 2019.

Travison TG, Araujo AB, O’Donnell AB, Kupelian V, McKinlay JB.  A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan;92(1):196-202. 

Vaillancourt T, deCatanzaro D, Duku E, Muir C.  Androgen dynamics in the context of children’s peer relations: an examination of the links between testosterone and peer victimization.  Aggress Behav. 2009 Jan-Feb;35(1):103-13

Yang CZ, Yaniger SI, Jordan VC, Klein DJ, Bittner GD.  Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals: A Potential Health Problem That Can Be Solved.  Environ Health Perspect. 2011 Jul 1; 119(7): 989–996.

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