As I have written previously, it benefits man nothing to share his goals with others. There are a variety of reasons behind this, both scientific and occult, and as such it should be unthinkable to make a public proclamation of your goals for the coming year on social media. What follows, then, is what you should do in private to set and achieve your goals by harnessing the power of chaos magick and focusing your will to effect changes in our physical reality.

Austin Osman Spare… a complete nutter, but also one of the most prolific and innovative magicians of the modern era and the progenitor of chaos magick.

Before I continue, I’ll remind you people that I am hardly an expert in the occult. If you have in depth questions after this short explanation of how to set concrete goals for yourself (ostensibly for obtaining and displaying massive physical strength), I suggest you either purchase books on the subject or consult someone more knowledgeable than myself. At some point in the (hopefully) near future I will post an interview with famed occult writer Michael W. Ford, who has written a great deal on magick in general. Until that’s published, here is a little something to get you started.

Per Ford, chaos magick is for all intents and purposes the magickal version of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do. It was formed by the occultist Austin Osman Spare utilizing components of Aleister Crowley’s work, and the was expanded upon greatly by a some modern occultists a couple of decades after Spare croaked. Not unlike assholes have done with JKD and the visionless, moneygrubbing shitbirds of the strength sports world have claimed about strength training, certain elements of the occult world will have you believe that chaos magick, in stark contradiction to the goddamned name, is actually a set system of magickal practices with dogmatic beliefs. Happily, that is not the case.

“Chaos Magick is not a system within itself. ‘It’ is actually a definition of action, course of study and a non-lineal way of looking at the subjective universe. Everything can be changed, altered and will to become something else. If you are sure it won’t happen, it probably will and can. Chaos Magick can be as dangerous as it is beneficial. It demands a mind which is able to understand the fragile nature of being what is known as ‘I’ and what our potential of growth is. ‘It’ also demands one to ‘Know thyself’” (Ford).

In essence, chaos magick seeks to focus your personal will to effect tangible change on the universe as a whole. Though that might seem ridiculous on its face, a great deal of what is being discovered in the field of quantum physics seems to complement this belief. If you want to look into it, feel free, but as this was intended to be a quick treatment that has already run long I’ll simply suggest that there are books on quantum physics readily available all over the place that will confirm the above statement, as will Peter Carroll’s phenomenal book The Apophenium. In any event, Spare relied on sigils to effect his magic, which he constructed with one of three methods:

  1. letter manipulation
  2. art
  3. music

I am just going to cover letter manipulations here, since it is a simple thing to explain and has been incredibly effective for me. You start by simply making a statement of very specific intent that is bereft of emotional effect or desire, such as:

It is my will to incline bench four hundred five pounds within six months.

Then drop all of the duplicate letters (some suggest you drop the vowels as all), so the intent becomes:


Rearrange the letters to a different order and then copy that order to a different sheet of paper. Use this if you want to do it online.


What you’ve got left is the basis of the glyph you’re going to draw, which I am doing in MS Paint simply for the ability to screenshot it, but take the time to use pen and paper like an adult with dignity and self respect. I think the utilization of electronics for this shit removes some of the ritual and deliberateness of this entire process that leads to the effect of it. Trust me, I strip every last bit of ritual out of this shit that I can, because as Stiffler stated in Role Models, people tend to avoid people in capes, and all of the ritualistic shit seems hokey and contrived to me. If that’s your thing, go for it, but otherwise just trust me when I say I have this down to the bare bones

You can twist and contort the letters however you see fit, and after you combine the letters into a glyph you simplify it until it is as simple as possible while remaining something you aesthetically appreciate and don’t mind staring at awhile.

Thus the mess on the left gradually transforms into the mess on the right. Like I said, use a pen and paper. There is no right or wrong here, beyond using your fucking iPad to do this (if you make it on your phone or whatever it is never actually willed to be and remains ephemeral, so the sigil is neither created nor destroyed because it never is.)

Once that is done, you’re ready to begin the ritual.

If the Order of Nine Angles still existed I’d be in for the blood orgies for sure, because inscribing the sigil on my own chest in some broad’s period blood would be far more fun.
  • Clear your head (which I do using Buddhist deep breathing methods)
  • Use a breathing technique to focus (like the ones linked above) while staring at the sigil you’ve created
  • Continue going deeper into trace state thinking only about the sigil you have made until it becomes the all-encompassing focus of your attention and will
  • You should continue until your can’t keep going, which for the author of the book I have linked in the sources means he loses the ability to focus on his breathing, but for me is usually starting to fall asleep.
  • Banish to end the ritual, which for Vitmus is laughing hysterically but for me is screaming along with deathcore
  • Destroy the sigil and do not worry about the request anymore. Forget it. If you find yourself thinking about it just let the thought go.

Before you run off half-cocked, there is a bit of practice that goes into this, and I recommend reading up on the subject before you fancy yourself Gandolf or some shit. Andrieh Vitmus recommends starting your sigil magic with shit you don’t really care about and that has a high probability for success before jumping into the bigger stuff, and that’s probably a good idea- author of badass graphic novels like Watchmen Grant Morrisson nearly killed himself with chaos magick after writing himself into The Invisibles (here’s his lecture on chaos magick).

If you think the bld guy looks a lot like Grant Morrisson, that’s because it’s him.

In any event, whatever you do with this information will be vastly more effective than just blabbering about your goals on Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit. So use it or don’t, but go affect the universe and make something fucking happen.


Ford, Michael W. Chaos magick and luciferism. Chaostatic. Web. 1 Jan 2019.

Vitimus, Andrieh. Hands-On Chaos Magic. Woodbury: Llewellyn Publications, 2015.

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