THE PODCAST IS OFF AS THE COMPANY THAT INTEDED TO HOST IT IS NO MORE. I’ll keep you guys posted as to guest appearances and the like until I can work something out, and I guess I’ll have to really start doing the vids now.

Over the course of the last year it has become apparent that perhaps my 20,000 word screeds on various historical figures in fight sports and lifting are perhaps not the best way for me to disseminate rad information to people, as most people don’t read, and even if they do are generally incapable of reading on a high enough level to understand this stuff… and that is before we get to the fact that my vulgarity and general crudeness is offputting to most of the rest of whoever is left.

For years I thought that was rad as fuck, as it’s always nice to know you’re in another class, but if you’re essentially speaking a foreign language to your audience, you’re going to have trouble getting the point across no matter how rad the information. With that in mind, I started working on my vocal delivery and banter by picking up a job working security at a weed church. I figured if I could be disarmingly charming and funny enough to chill out terrified people standing on line in the ghetto in Trenton to buy weed in plain view of the cops, I could probably handle a mic without issue (plus, 21 hours a week of that pays most of my bills 🤣, I get discounted weed, and it’s the greatest side job a human could have).

I mention this guy in the Breakthrough Secrets podcast, Pyotr Krylov, and he is one of the Great Old Ones of lifting about whom no one seems to know (hence the background I added). There’s a whole series or a book in the works about that subject that’s been begun with an article on him that I’ll release whenever it’s finished.

As you guys made my episode on Breakthrough Secrets their fourth most downloaded episode in a single month, they invited me on to do a show basically as often as I want, and in those episodes we will revisit old articles and discuss them (plus I’ll update the old articles and republish them as necessary) in addition to doing live interviews with athletes, musicians, or whomever I decide and covering new topics. In between those I’ll keep firing out quick bios, blurbs, and histories on Instagram and Facebook that you guys should probably follow there to avoid missing out on the dopeness (reposting all of them is far too much of a pain in the ass because what’s Instagram-worthy is hardly on par with the rest of the shit on this site, so I have to rewrite them). And finally, in deference to everyone on the planet I’ll be doing lifting history videos for Tiktok and this site (my wife started a Plague of Strength podcast without me even knowing it in anticipation of all of this). I’ll try my hand at being the history professor as Al Swearengen from Deadwood would have imagined in his greatest intellectual wet dream. I’ve fought against becoming some kind of personality on the internet and lost, so I am just gonna roll with it.

Here’s what’s coming:

  • I’ll be doing Tiktok lifting history shorts starting this weekend, and we’ll be recording video for the podcasts with Breakthrough Secrets. I’ve absolutely no interest in video editing, so my wife’s going to do all of that shit until she ragequits and I talk the high school kid next door into doing it.
  • I’ll be in an ESPN 30 for 30 (the TV show, not a podcast) next year as a historian in one of their episodes. I’ll give you guys all of the details when the producer has them for me, but that was a pretty rad experience that also contributed to my decision to change formats.
  • I’ll have a second episode on Breakthrough Secrets drop a week from Friday, about the history of kettlebells.
  • I’ll be recording a podcast with Late Night Hump possibly this Saturday in which we’re just going to blaze and they’re going to ask me a bunch of shit. One of the hosts owns a boxing gym and the other hosts the comedy night at NJ Weedman’s Joint, so it should be a pretty fun conversation for anyone who wants to get more insight into what I’m like when I’m not banging on a keyboard. We were supposed to record this past Saturday, but I was dealing with flooding damage from all of the rain we’ve been getting and missed it, but I’ll let you guys know as soon as I know.

And for those of you who still want to experience my particular brand of verbose, overly intellectual profanity, I’m going to shift most of my writing time to books. With the help of the Breakthrough Secrets guys I should be able to get someone who can help me organize and cross-link everything I have ever written so that I can easily produce a multi-volume Plague of Strength Encyclopedia out of the Issuance of Insanities and the shit I’ve written since. On top of that I have a couple of other books I’ve been using the articles on the site as research and incremental writing (the articles are basically all just pieces of a massive tapestry I’m attempting to put together). What I’ve got in the works is pretty rad, and the title is tentatively The Weirdo’s Guide to the History and Practice of Weight Lifting.

Hit me in the comments and let me know what you think, provided you keep your thoughts to the topic at hand or anything at all relevant to the history of lifting.

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