The following is what happens when you mix a shitload of high test straings of weed (if you have not tried ATF, DO SO THIS WEEK AND MAKE A TECH N9NE PLAYLIST FOR IT. Shit will get hyphy), the newest episodes of Cosmos, and far too much investigation of archaeology. THis has nothing to do with lifting and was just a thought I wanted to put to paper before it vanished, and now that I am looking at it with sober eyes think my theory has some serious validity. Feel free to give your opinion in the comments, good , bad, or otherwise- I think this super-high essay might actually spur some interesting conversation among the educated.

When I look at most humans, this is what I see, and yet I still spend my Fridays slinging wings to people who are a half step from being homeless. Your opinion of the people you help is immaterial- it is the helping that is important, not necessarily what those people do with the help.

TLDR: humanity is a massive single eukaryotic organism like slime mold, the Garden of Eden was humans living as part of the natural world, god is the Earth, and enlightened humans are living god.

Garden of Eden was the natural world.  We were the only animals to not “know your role”- we said fuck your role and did what we wanted.  We swam in the oceans and lived in the trees.  We tamed fire and fucked other different but similar monkeys and build shit with rocks.  Even then though, we were more or less “natural.”  This was still the Garden.

Then came a time when man could come together and build permanent nests, on which others built theirs and others and so on.  Gradual improvements over time led to more permanent improvements, and the people grew close to the edge of the garden.  At some point mother nature must have warned them that their actions violated the code of harmony within nature- that their behavior went against the creator against life itself, for it harmed that creator.

Ahrimanus, thought to be a Western representation of the benevolent Zoroastrian creator god Ahriman. Note the serpent from the cadeuceus, which dates all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia (which was the likely social and technological successor to the much more ancient and mysterious cities of ancient Turkey and appears in art we’ve uncovered dating back 6000 years.

The Bible claims it was a snake that led us astray, but I would posit that rather than reptilian aliens or talking snakes, that snake is the same serpent that is represented in the winged cadeuceus that represents medicine- it’s likely the serpent god Ningishzida, who seems to be the god or goddess of good harvests, which would be essential to “civilized” urban life.  As serpents are creatures to which we have an atavistic fear, worship of such a creature would represent a worship of the unnatural, the strange, and the inhuman. And apparently Gaia didn’t like that idea worth a shit.

Even the fucking penguins want smoke.

The creator then cast humans out.  The animals turned on humans, attacking them where they’d previously lived in relative harmony.  Edible plants became more scarce.  Some people still followed the old ways, lviing in harmony with their creator, but eventually their creator began demanding the blood of humans to cull their numbers, in order to bring balance back into the world.  This is why God demanded Cain kill Abel, and why the God of the Old Testament was such a fucking prick.  

Painted in this light, it’s pretty understandable that God wiped out every civilization on the planet.  Why Pompeii was obliterated not once, as we all thought for so long, but twice by Mt. Vesuvius.  Or why famines or whatever calamity you might want to blame on something wipes out a bunch of people.  The amusing thing, however, is that Christians don’t see what’s pretty obvious right before their face.

They think the earth is 10000 years old, and that’s when civilizations began to first begin cropping up.  When humans really began pushing at the forest and the desert.  That was the beginning of the human world- the beginning of our war on the Earth.  And we have fought like fucking hell to tame the Earth while we extend our own lives.  Demonstrating our dominance over even our creator’s intent (modern science / infrastructure / agriculture / social engineering has doubled our genetic lifespan as our life expectancy), we’ve tamed the wild beasts and feasted upon our creator’s corpse.

At our worst, we’re unspeakable, but at our best, we’re literal gods.  We create and destroy life and matter in ways our creator never could.  She has been tamed and awed, and now stands beaten and bloodied, but not dead by any stretch of the imagination.  Thus, we we as gods must do is find a way to live in stasis with the Earth as co-gods. 

But humanity is a eukaryotic organism.  We are essentially like a highly intelligent slime mold that has covered the entire Earth. None of us are particularly important beyond our help in pushing the mass of other organisms in the right direction.

Worshiping the Earth is pointless- we have conquered the Earth and one does not worship what one has conquered.  What we need to be is a proud victor and benefactor to the loser, who is after all our creator.  She strove mightily to wipe humanity off the planet, and no matter what she threw at us we bounced back harder and more resolute. 

Now it is time for us to help Gaia up, dust her off, and help her tend her flock.  In doing so, we can offer them the choice to stick with us or go with nature- that is, after all what pets are.  They’re other people who have decided “fuck that living wild shit.”

Someone probably ought to inform the motherfuckers living in California about this. Those compulsively littering dickheads would be shot on the side of the road for littering if they took that silly horseshit to the East Coast, but that can be said for much of the unlettered and generally useless US populace as well.

One would expect this would be the choice of the Christians, though for the most part they have wholeheartedly thrown their lot in with the Chinese on destroying every ecosystem they can find, and fracking in the ones we already inhabit to ensure they remain as craven, weak, ignoble, and generally distasteful as a bunch of dickheads to ever misinterpret a series of ancient oral histories and legal traditions as a religious book designed to cosign terrible behavior by humanity’s weakest and dumbest representatives. Though Jesus was probably Primeval Captain Planet, his followers are more like the Wall-E fatties, but with a vested interest in violating every one of their god-man’s personal guidelines for living a good life.

Those people who fancy themselves rugged individualists and survivalists are ridiculous for the simple reason that humanity is too hardy to kill off completely, and we have disseminated so much information to every corner of the globe that there is almost no chance civilization would not spring forth anew from anything short of a planet-killing event.  Our individual survival is basically immaterial beyond the positive influence we spread without our massive, disgusting pile of slime mold.

So, if you are not exerting a positive influence in your thoughts, actions, and words on the world around you, you are basically living poison- you have rejected both your creator, Gaia, and yourself.  You cannot be a god and not a god simultaneously.  Think, act, and speak like the noble victor god you are, rather than the petulant bitch our more craven impulses suggest we should be.  Help the animals who’ve chosen to join us on our path to godhood- the dogs and cats and other animals who live by choice in our homes- achieve their own best self. Help the unconscious among you achieve consciousness and accept their birthright.

And for fuck’s sake, feed your furpeople like you feed yourself. Kibble was designed as wartime rations for pets during WW2. We’re not in fucking wartime. Cook for your fucking friends, or at least feed them good wet shit- save the kibble for snacks and emergencies, because that was the fucking intent of it.

You are part of a species that separated itself from the animal kingdom- you are in a position where you should act as a god, so fucking do so.

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