A tremendously blurry self portait of myself ironing and watching Anchorman.

I find it somewhat odd and hilarious that I get so many compliments on my arms. Personally, I feel like a modern-day Mike Katz, with arms too small for my torso, and everything overpowered by my legs. It’s not as though I eschew most direct arm work out of some desire to not be a chest-and-bis douche at the gym- it’s because I quite literally detest lifting chest and arms. I loathe it. I abhor it. It sucks.In any event, you’ve asked, and I shall tell you the secret to my arms. Reverse grip curls and hammer curls for biceps, and close grip bench press and reverse grip bench press for my triceps. That’s it. It’s not rocket science.

Over the course of the last few months I’ve been using my “off” days to work arms, neck, calves, and abs, because my elbow hurt like shit when I’d do dips and my back is usually exhausted from cleans and deads and the like.

Thus, twice a week, I do the following: Superset of reverse grip fat bar curls 10-12, with pushdowns. I had been doing overhead extensions and overhead press with the same bar in a tri-set previously, but I’m still rehabbing my tricep.

For you guys: With a fat bar- this is critical for the forearms
Reverse Grip Curls
Overhead Extensions
Overhead Press

Walk to the water fountain, get a drink and repeat.

Do this for 15 mins, then do some abs and neck and go home. That’s it. There’s nothing exciting about it. It’s a way for me to get into the gym on an off day and have an innocuous workout that won’t detract from my real lifting. Mostly, I do it for vascularity. I don’t put any weight on the bar, and I do nothing fancy.

If I do anything else, it’s:
Kettlebell, log, or dumbbell hammer curls

This is how my arms were built, outside of brutally heavy compound movements. Earth shattering? Hardly. The arm work I do is like adding filigree to an already impressive, massive bronze sculpture, rather than creating the sculpture itself.

This arm was built long before some pencil-necked asshole invented Hercules Curls.
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