It’s about damn time, right? Get the new book in alternate covers (the B&W Grimdark version and the color Snoop and Martha version), plus 365 Days of Brutality is now being fulfilled by Amazon but processed by us, so we can now undercut the ridiculous prices they charge for fucking print books.

If you like the site, help a motherfucker out and snag a copy of a book- we’ve got VIP passes to the Arnold at the moment but less than cash to get there. Unlike the rest of the industry, I’m not shilling for shitty products or charging you guys for anything, but that has left me more broke than any of you have ever been. Walking to the gym and paying with everything in cash because I lack a bank account broke. So, if you want more dope content, help us out- we were invited by the meet director himself and have the opportunity to interview a lot of cool ass people, so there will be some seriously awesome shit on the way if we can put together some money to go.

I’m also finishing up a compendium of all of the psychological and occult shit about which I’ve written over the last 12 years, which will be onsale this weekend, and we should have print copies of the first three Issuance of Insanity volumes soon. But don’t wait to grab shit because we’ve no idea how quickly it will drop, and without cash in the next eight days we can’t make the Arnold happen- we’ll figure out a way to throw discounts at people who buy shit piecemeal.

In other words, this isn’t a goddamned telethon. Just help Tara and I out and buy some shit if you’ve got the cash.


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