Of late, I have mostly abandoned my endless sets of cable curls with various handles to kettlebell curls for my grip and standing curls with a multi-grip barbell. When I began them I figured it was the closest thing I was going to get to a log curl where I train, and it seemed fun as hell. I was right, and my biceps and brachialis seem to be enjoying them as well.

I have no set or rep scheme. I train until I am done with a shitload of different weights and a scheme that probably looks like wave loading except that it is totally unplanned. I’ve only been doing these for a month or so, so my work weights are nothing spectacular- the heaviest I’ve gone with the form you can see in this video is 155×3, though I’ve gone heavier with shittier form (I’ll do the occasional double with 185, cheated like fuck).

My diet at present consists of three to four Allmax whey protein shakes a day in either water or Fairlife 2% chocolate milk, depending on how little I want to drink a shake, plus three or four meat-centric meals for which the macros matter not at all to me, but that is because I eat like an adult with dignity and self respect, not a college-age white girl like most people seem to eat. My eating is naturally cyclical, so I will subsist almost entirely on shakes one day and then gorge myself the next. I don’t plan that- I just listen to what my body is telling me and act accordingly.

As to historical precedent, there is none beyond the fact I’m certain guys like Kimon Voyages and John Grimek would have loved this weird assed bar, and like me they would certainly vary their grip from set to set just to see how the different grips taxed their arms differently. Try them if you get the chance- if nothing else they’re a rad change of pace.

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